The cramps are not usually caused from lack of salt, potassium, magnesium, or hydration. Nor is fatigue the root cause, even though it increases susceptibility. Cramps are a problem with the head and thinking, even though the body has the symptoms.
Cramps may be caused by a Cosmic System Counterattack, which usually originates from another person who is the captive of Satan and doing his bidding. Such a person is an antichrist, Evil King, or Prostitute of Babylon (1 Jn 4:3; Rev 2:20). The demon in the human antichrist attacks the victim in the head. Confusion in the head results in weakness in the lower extremities along with cramps.
There is a reason that God sent the Divine punishment of cramps. The clues associated with the Cosmic System Counterattack must be analyzed to determine the reason. The antichrist who had the demon that caused the cramp is one clue. That person symbolizes some problem, such as an enemy attack, failure in a Divine institution, or loss of freedom.
The attack may be a herald of an upcoming problem. The feet correspond to the walk and the hands to service. The right side symbolizes the spiritual, and the left side the temporal. When a spiritual problem is not handled, it leads to a temporal problem. Regardless of the reason for the cramp, the immediate problem is to alleviate the cramp and deal with the academic issues later.
Helps for surviving the attack:
Cramps in the feet and legs symbolize falling victim to an evil attack and being unable to stand (Lam 1:14), and they symbolize being taken out of the battle in Spiritual Warfare. The person with the cramp cannot stand on the battlefield. A person in the Divine Dynasphere can stand against Satan (Eph 6:11, 13-15). Limbs that have cramps are weak and need to be strengthened, corresponding to recovery from reversionism (Heb 12:12-15).
Cramps symbolize the breakdown of the hypostatic relationship with Christ due to Satan trying to become the Head of the Body.
Hebrews 3:14 Hypostatic Relationship with ChristChristians are partners with Christ, who is the Head, so long as they stand the test. "Standing" is the Greek uJpovstasi", from (uJpov, under) + (stavsi", standing) = essence, actual being, reality; instantiation (used for sediment falling out). "Standing" means our hypostatic relationship with Christ. He executed the Spiritual life on Earth in Hypostatic Union, and we have the same Spiritual life that He had. Therefore, we should stand with Him.
For we have become partners with Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our standing, stabilized until the end,
Our standing in Christ (hypostatic relationship) is unique to the Church Age. It begins at Salvation with Positional Truth when the Church Age Believer is entered into union with Christ. It continues for all eternity.
The believer must be "stabilized" to keep standing. Being stabilized requires alignment of the X, Y, Z, and Time axes of the Spiritual life. The believer is stabilized in Spiritual Maturity. "Until the end" refers to the end of our life.
Released July 17, 2017
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