1 - Unity, Love, Holiness, purity, whole; God the
Father (1st person of Trinity)
Gen. 1:3-5 - creation of indivisible light.
Jn 10:30 - God the Father and Son are one in
Jn 17:22 - Believers should be Spiritually one in
essence with the same Divine Righteousness, Justice, and Love.
1 Jn 4:8b - "God is Love"
Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8 - Holy
Jas 3:17; 1 Jn 3:2 - Pure
2 - Divine division or separation
Gen. 1:6-8 - separation of earth's water and
atmosphere, and separation of light and darkness (Gen. 1:3-4).
Nu 8:14-16; Lev. 10:8-10 - separation of the
Levitical Priesthood.
Ex 26:33; Ezek 42:20- separation in the Temple.
Lev. 11:46-47 - separation from the unclean.
Ezra 9:1-2 - separation from marrying foreigners.
1 Chron 12:8; 2 Chron 25:10 - mustering an army
Lev. 20:24, 26 - separation of the Client Nation
2 Cor. 6:17 - separation of the Royal Family of
Rom. 1:1 - appointment to a Christian calling
Heb. 4:12 - division of soul and spirit
3 - Justice of the Holy Spirit; Trinity; spirit, air
Zech. 4:6; Psalm 89:14; Matt. 28:19; Gal.
4:6. The impartial administration of the Justice of God in
the implementation of His Sovereign Design, which usually means
suffering for the recipients.
Jn 3:8 - Wind, air, Spirit.
4 - Weakness; relationship of Earth to the Ruler of
Creation in the Heavens
Gen. 1:17-18; Ex. 38:19 - four pillars in the Gate
of the Tabernacle for the weakness of man at salvation.
5 - Grace; giant.
- Gen. 1:22 - God blesses the animal
- Ex. 26:37 - Five pillars in door of Holy
Place of Tabernacle.
- 5 evil kings of the Amorites opposed
Gibeon (Joshua 10:5).
- 5 evil lords of the Philistines (1 Sam.
- 5 giants of the Philistines opposed David
(2 Sam. 21:22).
6 - Man, or mankind; work;
the sixth step of a categorical sequence.
Gen. 1:27, 31 - Man was created on the 6th
day. Man sinned and had to work for a living.
7 - Complete Category; Light; Categorical suffering;
Sabbath, swearing to a covenant
Gen. 2:2.- God completed the re-creation in seven
Ex 25:31; 37:23 - Golden Lampstand with its 7
Lev 26:18, 21, 24, 28 - Categorical punishment
Gen 22:16 - swearing a covenant, the Hebrew shaba`,
based on the number 7.
8 - New Birth
1 Pet. 3:20 - Eight persons survived the Noahic
Flood, which was a type of Salvation, New Birth. Gen. 17:12 -
Circumcision was performed on the 8th day after the completion
of the first category of 7 days; similarly, salvation the
beginning of a new life.
9 - Plagues, blows, strokes; scourging
Ex. 9 - 11 - the 9 plagues on Egypt.
Deut 25:2-3; Psa 89:32; Prov 20:30 - stripes,
Isa 53:5; Heb 12:6 - scourging
10 - Laws of Establishment; Commandments; Doctrine
Ex. 20:1-17; 34:28 - the Ten Commandments; the 10th judgment in Egypt was death of the
first-born (Ex 12:12, 29); the tenth Covenant is the Baptism of Fire (Ezek 34:17; Matt
13:40-43; 25:30-34).
11 - Witness
Matt. 28:16 - the 11 true disciples. Ex. 26:7-8;
36:14-15 - 11 Curtains of Goats hair in the Tabernacle.
12 - Authority
Gen. 49:28 - twelve tribes of Israel. Mark 3:14-15
Authority of the Twelve Disciples.
13 - Double Blessing
Gen. 48:20 - Thirteen tribes of Israel due to
double blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh.
Gen. 17:25 - Ishmael was circumcised at 13.
This symbolized sanctification of the phallus for procreation of
the child of the promise (or double blessing of the firstborn).
Num 29:13-14 - The 13 bulls offered on the
first day of the Feast of Tabernacles symbolized the double
portion of the fat of the land during the time of harvest – i.
e. a bountiful harvest.
Nu 19:6; 21:4, 6, 19, 33; 1 Chron 6:60, 62 - The
13 cities allocated to Simeon, the Levites, and Gershonites
symbolized the double portion.
Ezek 40:11 - The length of the gate of the
Millennial Temple was 13 cubits to symbolize double blessing.
14 - Passover, cross over; Hebrew
Ex 12:11-13; Lev. 23:5.- the Passover; the Angel
of Death passed over the homes of the Hebrews at the Exodus.
Gen 14:13 - a Hebrew was one who crossed over, or
one beyond the river. Abraham was from beyond the
Euphrates and the Jordan
15 - Cover, covering; Mercy Seat
Gen. 7:20 - water of the flood covered the earth
15 cubits deep.
Ex 25:17 - Mercy Seat, Hebrew kaphoreth,
for a cover or lid
16 - Sanctification
2 Chron. 29:17 - the 16 days required to sanctify
the Temple
Ex 26:25; 36:30 - the 16 sockets for the 8 boards
of the back of the Holy Place symbolized sanctified feet
17 - Lawlessness
- Gen. 7:11 - The flood began on the 17th
day of the month and the ark rested on Mt. Ararat on 17th
day of 7th month (150 days after flood began) (Gen. 8:4).
- Joseph was 17 when he was sold into
slavery (Gen. 37:2, 28).
- Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years (Gen. 47:28)
- Rehoboam reigned 17 years in Jerusalem and
did evil (1 Kings 14:21).
- Judg. 8:26 - 1700 earrings of the the
Ishmaelites given to Gideon (spoils).
- 2 Sam. 8:3 - David captured 1700 horsemen
from the king of Zorbah.
- Jehoahaz reigned over Israel in Samaria 17
years (2 Ki. 13:1).
- Jeremiah signal resumption of business by
buying the field of Hanameel for 17 shekels (Jer. 32:9).
18 - Pillar in the Temple
1 Ki. 7:15; 2 Ki. 25:17; Jer 52:21; Rev. 3:12 -
The pillars outside Solomon's Temple were 18 cubits high, for
maximum historical impact.
14:9-13, 14-16 - Abraham's army of 318 had
historical impact in defeat of Chedorlaomer's army group.
Standing like a pillar, falling, or bowing down:
- Judg 3:14 - Israel served the
King of Moab 18 years. Servitude corresponds to a
pillar that is bowed down.
- Judg 10:7, 8 - Israel fell into the hands of the
Philistines and Ammonites for 18 years. Here
the pillar of Israel fell.
- 2 Chron 11:21 - Rheoboam had 18 wives, who stood by him
like pillars.
- Lk 13:4 - Eighteen were killed by a falling
tower. The 18 stood like pillars
until they fell.
- Lk 13:11, 13, 16 - A hunchback woman was bowed down by Satan
for 18 years until she was healed by Jesus in a
synagogue and made erect again like a pillar.
19 - King, Royal Government (Federal Government)
19 kings in both the Northern and Southern
Kingdoms of Israel (although S. Kingdom had one queen)
20 - External Gates; going out and coming in;
military; a generation.
Ex. 38:18 - width of Gate of the Tabernacle; Draft
age (Num. 1:3)
21 - Providential Preventative Suffering (Checkmate)
Dan. 10:13 - Angel sent to help Daniel was opposed
for 21 days; Zedekiah, last King of the S. Kingdom was 21 when
he began his reign (Jer 52:1).
22 - Cursing
- 22,000 Levites in 2nd year of Exodus; Jair
judged Israel 22 yr. while Israel did evil and was cursed
(Judg. 10:3).
- Jeroboam, who rebelled against Rehoboam,
reigned 22 yr. (1 Ki 14:20).
- Ahab ruled Israel 22 yr. (1 Ki. 16:29).
23 - Cursing turned to blessing; Spiritual uptrend
in history.
Number of Levites in 2nd yr. of exodus was 22,000
and in 40th yr. was 23,000 (Nu.
cf. 26:62); 2300 evenings and mornings in Tribulation (Dan. 8:14); 3023 captives taken
to Babylon in seventh (17th) year (Jer 52:28) (Israel's
cursing, Babylon's blessing); captives who returned from Babylon
(Ezra 2:11, 17, 19, 21, 28; Neh 7:32).
24 - Archangel; Strategy
- The number 24 refers to the Archangels
(Angelic General Staff), the highest ranking throne angels
around the Throne of God. Elder was commonly used for
the head of the tribe. In a tribal society based on
seniority, the head of the tribe was the old man. The elders of tribes were in
positions of leadership and responsible for strategic
alignment. However, the elders around the
Throne of God are angels - not men (Rev 4:4, 10; 5:8; 11:16;
- Satan's strategy has always been to
destroy Israel; thus, 24 refers to a strategic Satanic
Counterattack on Israel: The giants who opposed the army of
Israel had 24 fingers and toes (2 Sa. 21:20; 1 Chron. 20:6).
- Strategic advance in Israel is designated
by 24: There were 24 bulls for peace offerings in dedication
of the Tabernacle and 2400 shekels total silver utensils
(Nu. 7:85). On the 24th of the 7th month during the Feast of
Tabernacles regathered Israel celebrated a Holy Day
convocation. Daniel's vision was on the 24th day of the
first month (Da. 10:4). God stirred Zerubbabel to rebuild
the temple on the 24th of the 6th month (Hag. 1:15);
prophesy on the 24th of 9th month (Hag. 2:10, 18, 20).
Zechariah's vision was on the 24th of the 11th month (Zech
- David's Organizational Structure was based
on the number, 24 (1 Chron. chapters 24, 25, 27).
25 - Sovereignty of God
means the decision belongs to God. The Lord Jesus Christ
controls history. He raises one King up and puts another down.
He decides the time, place, and manner of our death.
- Appointment of Priests: The age of service
for the Priesthood in Israel was 25 - 50 (Nu. 8:24).
- Control of History: Wall completed on the
25th of Elul (Neh. 6:15); Jehoiachin brought out of prison
on 25th of 12th month (Jer. 52:31); prophesy of the New
Jerusalem in 25th year of exile (Ezek. 40:1).
- Appointment of Kings: (1) Jehoshaphat
reigned 25 yr., did good (1 Ki. 22:42), (2) Amaziah became
king age 25, did good (2 Ki. 14:2), (3) Jotham became king
at 25, did good (2 Ki. 15:33), (4) Hezekiah became king at
25, did good (2 Ki. 18:2), (5) Jehoiakim became king at 25,
did evil (rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar) (2 Ki. 23:36).
- Dimensions of Millennial Temple 25 cubits
(Ezek 40:25, 29, 30)
- Sovereign Millennial inheritance for priests
25,000 cubits (Ezek 48:9, 10, 13, 15, 21)
- Rejecting Sovereignty of God is evil:
~25 Evil men in the Temple worshiping the Sun (Ezek 8:16);
Evil political leaders in group of 25 men on E. side of
Temple (Ezek 11:1-2)
26 - Political Babylon, Politician
- Elah, son of Baasha, became king of Israel
in 26th year of Asa (1 Ki. 16:8). He was killed by Zimri,
commander of half his chariots, while he was drinking
himself drunk with his political friend, Arza, head of the
household (capitol).
- 26,000 sons of Asher (1 Chron 7:40).
- 26,000 men of Benjamin who harbored
(political relationship) rapists and warred against Israel
(Judg. 20:15).
27 - Horn
- Length of a lunar day - i.e. the number of
days required for the Moon to make a complete rotation on
its axis (and thus revolve around Earth) as established on
the 4th Day of re-Creation (Gen. 1:16). The phases of the
Moon appear as horns. This represents justice during the
month in contrast to the Full Moon.
- After the Flood the Earth was dry (due to
the Sun) on the 27th of the month (Gen. 8:14).
- Sarah died at age 127 in Hebron (which
means to cross over as the army of Israel would later cross
over the Jordan in a horn envelope, dry-shod, and enter the
promised land) (Gen. 23:1-2; Josh. 3:14-17).
- Death blow from a sword or club (horn
judgment) (1 Ki. 16:10, 15)
- Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in the twelfth
month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, was released
from prison by Evil-merodach king of Babylon (2 Ki. 25:27).
- In the 27th year Ezekiel prophesied of the
destruction of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar and of a horn that would rise in
Israel (Ezek. 29:17-21). This horn refers to the deliverance
of Israel over the nations of the earth (symbolized by
Egypt) at the 2nd Advent and the Millennial rule of the Lord
Jesus Christ, the horn of David (1 Sam. 2:10; Psa. 92:10;
132:17). The horn is the symbol of the anointing of a king,
since the king was anointed with a horn of oil.
- 27 = 33 is a horn, the symbol
of an Angelic
28 - Fortress, stronghold
- Jehu reigned over Israel 28 years and
destroyed Jezebel and all the worshippers of Baal (2 Ki.
- The curtains in the Tabernacle were 28
cubits long by 4 cubits (Ex. 26:2; 36:9).
- Rehoboam fathered 28 sons and 60 daughters
(2 Ch 11:21) and sent his sons to fortify the land (2 Ch
29 - Victory over Edom (Laws of Establishment
- Nahor lived 29 years and became father of
Terah, who lived 70 year and became the father of Abram,
Nahor, and Haran. (Gen 11:24).
- There were 29 cities in the inheritance of
Judah, which was on the Edom border (Josh. 15:32).
- Amaziah reigned 29 years in Jerusalem. He
did good, conquered Edom, but died the sin unto death and
allowed Phallic Reversionism to continue in the land (2 Ki.
- Hezekiah reigned 29 years in Jerusalem. He
did good but he compromised with the world (2 Ki. 18:2).
Therefore, 29 refers to Laws of Establishment
victory over Edom, but not grace-blessing from God. Edom was the
land of the descendants of Esau, the unbeliever hunter of Jacob
(the believer). Edomites were very cruel, e.g. they looted
Jerusalem in 586 BC after Nebuchadnezzar conquered it. Edomites
were idolaters.
30 - Priest
- Age of service in the Levitical Priesthood
(30 to 50) (Nu. 4:3, 23, 47).
- Adam was 130 years old at the birth of
Seth, the believer (Gen. 5:3).
- Joseph was 30 when he became Prime
Minister of Egypt (Gen 41:46).
- Jesus Christ was 30 when He began His
earthly ministry (Luke 3:23).
31 - Evil King, Archon, Satan's god of war
or goddess of love
- There were 31 kings conquered in the
conquest of the Promised Land (Josh. 12:24).
- The evil king is a type of Satan, who sits
his archon up as ruler on earth. The spiritual type
is the god of war (Baal, Molech, Beelzebub, etc.) who sits
behind a fortress and the goddess of love (Venus, Aphrodite,
Asherah, Ishtar, etc.).
- Spiritual warfare in the church age
portrays this king in many ways (2 Cor. 10:4-6). Examples:
Man of Lawlessness, the deceiver, the accuser, the bear,
lion, wild animal.
32 - Conspiracy
- The king of Syria with 32 kings attacked
Samaria (1 Ki. 20:1, 16).
- Later, the king of Syria commanded the 32
captains of his chariots when Ahab formed an alliance with
Jehoshaphat (Judah) to attack the king of Syria. Ahab died
in battle (1 Ki. 22:31).
- Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, became king
of Judah at age 32. He married the daughter of Ahab and did
evil (2 Ki. 8:17).
33 - Purification of the Holy Spirit
- 33 days required for a woman's
purification following the birth of a male child (Lev.
12:4). The woman was considered unclean during this time,
which meant stay away, keep away, and don't let her touch
anything Holy.
- David ruled 40 years (7 in Hebron and 33
in Jerusalem) (2 Sam 5:5; 1 Ki. 2:11; 1 Chron. 3:4; 1 Chron.
- Kohath (priest, son of Levi) lived 133
years (Ex. 6:18).
34 - Division, division of the land
1. Gen. 11:16 - Eber (which means the region
beyond) lived 34 years and became the father of Peleg, which
means division - the Earth (or land) was divided (Gen 10:25).
Eber lived 430 years after this. This refers to dividing of
languages and scattering of peoples of the Earth after the Tower
of Babel fiasco.
End of Series
430 years
Note the reversal of 34 and 43, which is God's
designation of the beginning and end.
2. Bela (which means destruction) was a son of
Benjamin and led 22,034 troops (1 Chron. 7:7).
35 - Rest from Enemies
- There was no more war to the 35th
year of Asa's reign in the Southern Kingdom (2 Chron.
- Jehoshaphat was 35 years old when he
became king (1 Kings 22:42; 2 Chron 20:31). He reigned
25 years and was a good king. He had rest from his
enemies (2 Ch 20:30).
- Arpachshad was 35 when his first son was
born (Gen 11:12).
- 35,400 in Tribe of Benjamin (to provide
national security) (Nu 1:37; 2:23).
- 1,335 days until blessing (rest) in
2nd half of Tribulation (Dan 12:12).
36 - Ai; shooting yourself in the foot.
- Men of Ai struck down 36 Jews in the
initial attack and routed them (Josh. 7:5).
- In the 36th year of Asa's reign, he made a
treaty with Syria and bribed them to attack Israel (2 Chron.
- Solomon had 3,600 supervisors over the
aliens in Israel (2 Chron. 2:18).
37 - Warrior; mighty warrior; military hero
- There were 37 of distinguished military
heroes (medal of honor winners) on David's staff (2 Sam
- "In the 37th year of Joash, king of Judah,
Jehoash" became king of Israel" (2 Ki. 13:10). Joash was a
mighty warrior (2 Ki. 13:12).
- Divisions who came to David at Hebron to
fight Saul: 3700 from the House of Aaron (1 Chron 12:27),
37,000 with shield and spear (1 Chron 12:34).
38 - Dying in the Wilderness
- 38 years required for reversionists of
Israel to die in the wilderness from Kadesh-barnea to the
brook Zered (Deut. 2:14).
- Levites 30 years old and over was 38,000
(1 Chron. 23:3).
- Lame man by the pool of Bethesda had been
sick for 38 years (John 5:5).
39 - Sin Leading to Death
- Asa got the foot disease from which he
died in the 39th year of his reign (2 Chron. 16:12). He
relied upon physicians rather than the Lord, who is the only
one who can cure the sin leading to death. Asa means
- Shallum began his reign in the 39th year
of Uzziah (2 Ki. 15:13). He reigned 1 mo. and was murdered.
- Menahem succeeded Shallum in the same
(39th) year (2 Ki. 15:17). He reigned 10 yr. and was
- Ezekiel was to lie on his side 390 days
for the 390 yr. required for Israel (N. Kingdom) to die the
sin unto death (Ezek 4:5, 9).
- Paul received 39 lashes five times (2 Cor
40 - Maximum Divine Discipline
- Gen. 7:4 - Noahic flood: It rained 40 days
and 40 nights.
- Moses was on the mountain (Mt. Sinai) 40
days and 40 nights (Ex. 24:18)
- Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years
(Num. 32:13).
41 - Happiness
- Rehoboam was 41 when he began to rule; he
ruled 17 years and did evil (1 Ki. 14:21; 2 Chron. 12:13).
Happiness is here because God gave Rehoboam two tribes to
rule (1 Ki. 11:31-32) and did not cut off the line of David
when He gave ten tribes to Jeroboam, King of Israel.
- Asa reigned 41 years and did right in the
sight of the Lord (1 Ki. 15:10; 2 Chron. 16:13). Asa was the
first good king of Judah after Solomon even though he died
the sin unto death. Thus, he brought happiness.
42 - Bear, Baal
- 42 children killed by bears (2 Ki. 2:24).
Note: The god of child sacrifice is Baal.
- 42 portions of the wall restored (Neh. 3).
- 42,000 men of Ephraim killed at the Jordan
(Judg. 12:6). They counterattacked Jephthah after he won
over Ammon and became king. Jephthah's daughter was cursed.
- 42 sons of Azmaveth (Ezra 2:24; Neh 7:28)
- the least household that repopulated Jerusalem.
- 42 relatives of Ahaziah (King of Judah)
killed by Jehu (King of Israel) (2 Ki 10:14).
- Beast from the sea will rule 42 months
during the Tribulation (Rev. 13:5). He had the feet of a
bear (Rev. 13:2).
43 - Fulfill; complete
- See Number 34 (Gen. 11:16-17).
- Israel lived in Egypt 430 years to the day
(Ex. 12:40-41 cf. Gal. 3:17).
44 - Suffering
- 144,000 Jewish evangelists during
Tribulation (Rev. 7:4; 14:1, 3).
- 44,760 sons of Reuben, the Gadites, and
Manasseh who went to war (1 Chron. 5:18)
- 144 cubit (248 ft.) high wall around
Heavenly Jerusalem (Rev 21:17) - a city wall is for security
to protect from suffering.
45 - Victory over the Stronghold
- Caleb waited 45 years to inherit Hebron,
the stronghold (Josh. 14:10).
- The foundation of Solomon's house had 45
pillars (1 Ki. 7:3).
- 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of
Asherah who confronted Elijah at Mt. Carmel (1 Ki. 18:19).
Elijah killed the prophets of Baal (1 Ki. 18:40).
- The measure of one side of the holy city
was 4,500 cubits (Ezek. 48:16, 30-34).
46 - Pregnancy, a project
- Nebuchadnezzar carried away 4600 into
captivity (Jer. 52:30).
- 46 years required to build the Temple
(John 2:20).
- Note: 46 chromosomes in fertilized ovum =
23 male and 23 female.
47 - Peace
- Jacob lived 147 yr. - 17 in Egypt (Gen.
- 1,247 sons of Pashhur (meaning prosperity
expanded all around) (Ezra 2:38; Neh 7:41)
- 470,000 soldiers in Judah when David
sinned and numbered Israel (1 Chron 21:5).
48 - Inheritance of the Levites
Number of cities in the inheritance of the Levites
(Num. 35:7; Josh 21:41).
The inheritance of the Levites was an icon of the
Promised Land.
49 - Length of time before 50, i.e. Pentecost or the
- 49 years before Jubilee - i.e. the
completion of the wait before Jubilee (50) (Lev. 25:8).
- Pentecost (50) is seven sabbaths (49 days)
after the Feast of Unleavened Bread (day after Passover)
(Lev. 23:16).
50 - Church
Church began at Pentecost (Acts 2:1).
51 - Arrogance
Total in the camp of Reuben (firstborn, who was
cursed) was 151,450 (Num. 2:16).
52 - Wall, wall of protection
- Wall was completed in 52 days (Neh. 6:15).
City wall provides security or the city.
- Pekah (meaning opening), son of Remaliah,
became king over Israel and did evil (2 Ki. 15:27).
53 - Large fish; ship.
- 153 fish in the net (John 21:11).
- From calculation: Number of weeks Noah was
in the Ark - 375 days = 53 weeks.
54 - Redemption
- 54,400 in the army of the tribe of
Issachar, called a donkey (Gen 49:14-15), who paid tribute
to marauding bands (Num. 1:29; 2:6).
- 5400 articles of gold and silver collected
for rebuilding the Temple (Ezra 1:11).
- 1254 sons of Elam (hidden) returned (Ezra
2:7; Neh 7:12).
55 - Grace Blessing
- There were 550 of Solomon's chief officers
over the people who did his building of cities (1 Ki. 9:23).
This was grace blessing in the midst of suffering: Whereas,
Solomon was a cruel labor leader, the building was
- Manasseh (whose name relates to the double
blessing) was allowed to reign 55 years even though he did
evil (2 Ki. 21:1).
- Total number of men of Israel (Ex. 38:26;
Nu. 2:32).
56 - dropping; dripping, e.g. wine dripping from a
vat or dung dropping in the open field.
- Men of Netophah, which means dropping;
distillation (Ezra 2:22).
- 156 sons of Magbish, which means
crystallizing (Ezra 2:30).
- 956 sons of Benjamin who returned from
Babylon (1 Chron. 9:9). Thus, the number, 56, refers to the
fall of soldiers in the Babylonian Captivity (1 Chron. 9:1).
57 - Zebulun
- 57,400 in the Tribe of Zebulun (related to
the sea and atmosphere, Gen. 49:13) (Nu. 1:31; 2:8)
- 157,600 in camp of Dan and others on the
North side of the Tabernacle (Num. 2:31).
58 - Levite; brother
8,580 numbered men of the Levites (Nu. 4:48), the
priests of Israel. Levi is also the name of a
brother. Brothers are alike (partners) in thought and
action. Moses and Aaron were Levite brothers (Ex 4:14),
where Moses was the temporal leader of Israel, and Aaron was the
High Priest. Both died in the wilderness. Levi and
Simeon were brothers in crime (Gen 49:5). Thus, the number
58 for a Levite and 59 for Simeon form a sequence for brothers
in crime.
59 - Simeon; criminality; justice of dividing and
59,300 in the Tribe of Simeon (division) (Nu.
1:23; 2:13). Simeon means to divide (Hebrew ql^j*, chalaq) and to scatter
(Hebrew JWP, putz) (Gen.
49:7), a combined term for judgment as a rod of iron smashing a
clay pot (Rev. 2:27). Simeon bore the curse of criminality
(Gen. 49:5-7). Simeon means the "offspring of hyena and
wolf."6 Simeon was also a
post-exilic Jew married to a foreign wife (Ezra 10:31).
60 - Worldly production
- Isaac was 60 when Esau and Jacob were born
(Gen. 25:26).
- Solomon's Temple was 60x20x30 cubits (1
Ki. 6:2).
- Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines he
had 28 sons and 60 daughters (2 Chron. 11:21).
- Solomon had 60 queens and 80 concubines
(SOS 6:8).
- Nebuchadnezzar's golden image was 60 x 6
cubits (Dan. 3:1).
- Crop production 30, 60, hundredfold (Mat.
13:8, 23; Mk. 4:8, 20).
61 - Income tax
- 61 donkeys in the Lord's levy (Nu. 31:34
cf. 39).
- 61,000 gold drachmas given for restoration
of the House of God (Ezra 2:69).
62 - The end
- Jared (descent, going down) became the
father of Enoch at age 162 (Gen 5:18). Jared lived 962 years
(Gen. 5:20). Four generations before the flood (1-Enoch,
2-Methuselah, 3-Lamech, 4-Noah).
- Age of Darius the Mede, who became king
the night Belshazzar was slain (Dan. 9:25-26).
63 - Outcast
- Number of Gershonites (outcasts) = 2,630
(Nu. 4:40).
- Sons of Senaah (sons of the hated (rejected)
woman, bastards) = 3,630 (Ezra 2:35).
- Note: Outcasts refer to people who
are cast out of a nation when it is conquered (Lev 18:24;
26:33; 1 Ki 21:26). This corresponds to the salt of
the land that is cast out (Matt 5:13) and dead branches that
are taken out and burned (Jn 15:6)
64 - Maximum weakness, hirelings, slave labor
- Those numbered with Issachar were 64,300
(Num. 26:23-25 cf. Gen. 49:14-15).
- Number of Dan and Shuhamites 64,400 (Num.
- This corresponds to 44 .
65 - Inclined Plane Going Down; Reversionism
- Mahalalel became the father of Jared,
which means going down, or descent, at age 65 (Gen. 5:15).
- Enoch became the father of Methuselah at
65 (Gen. 5:21), and human history was going down to the
- Enoch lived 365 yr. (300 = judgment + 65)
= prophecy of the flood, i.e. there would be no more (as 365
days ends a year and it is no more).
- Isaiah prophesied the destruction of
Ephraim (Israel) within 65 yr. (Isa. 7:8).
66 - Worldliness
- 66 persons went down to Egypt (a type of
the world) with Jacob (Gen. 46:26).
- 66 days required for purification of the
woman following birth of a female child (Lev. 12:5). Failure
to be sanctified would constitute a worldly female.
67 - Giving (of worldly possessions).
- The people contributed 67 priests'
garments (Neh. 7:72).
- 6720 donkeys returned from Babylon (Ezra
2:67). Probably not relevant but included for completeness.
68 - Serving in Edom
- Obed-edom kept the ark in his house 3 mo.
after Uzza was killed transporting it to Jerusalem (1 Chron.
13:13-14; 2 Sam 6:10-12). Obed means to serve and Obed-edom
means serving in Edom. Edom was a symbol of the world, out
of fellowship with God.
- Obed-edom with his 68 relatives were
appointed gatekeepers for the ark in Jerusalem (1 Chron.
15:18; 16:38).
- 6800 who bore shield and spear from the
house of Judah defected to David at Ziklag (1 Chron. 12:24).
69 - Running the course.
- Methusaleh lived 969 years - oldest person
ever (Gen. 5:27). This corresponds to running the
course of life (2 Tim 4:7).
- 690 sons of Judah (and relatives) who
returned from Babylon (1 Chron 9:6).
70 - Elder; prophet, pastor-teacher
- The seventy elders of Israel were judges
and administrators who governed Israel under the leadership
of Moses (Ex 24:1, 9; Num. 11:24-25).
- The seventy Jewish evangelists who were
called by the Lord Jesus Christ and sent to take the gospel
to the world (Luke 10:1, 17). By analogy in the Church Age,
these are the leaders of the Church - formerly apostles,
then evangelists and pastor-teachers (Eph. 4:11).
71 - Strait
7100 sons of Simeon, mighty men of valor for war,
who came to David at Ziklag (1 Chron. 12:25). Here David was in
a strait - between a rock and a hard place. Simeon means
division but a division can also be a passage on land or sea
between the mountains or rocks. Simeon was the second
tribe listed because Simeon means number two but also because
Simeon symbolized the strait, or passage. The next tribe
listed was Levi with 4600, which is the number for
pregnancy. This meant the army that David needed would be
born, and Simeon had provided that passage to
success. The symbolism here is analogous to a sperm
(with 23 chromosomes) swimming through a strait (71) to
fertilize the ovum (with 23 chromosomes) and cause pregnancy (46
72 - Gatekeeper; guard; security.
- 172 gatekeepers of Jerusalem (Neh. 11:19).
- First two groups who returned to the land
from Babylon: the sons of Parosh, 2,172; the sons of
Shephatiah, 372 (Ezra 2:3-4; Neh. 7:8-9). The gatekeepers
(similar to police) protect the civilian population during
peace just as the military does during war; so it makes
sense that the security force would be the first deployed.
- Note: This corresponds to the
Criminal Justice System, which in Israel was the
responsibility of the Levite judges.
73 - Freedom
- 273 in the first census for whom a ransom
had to be paid, i.e. (22,273 Firstborn in Israel) - (22,000
Levites) = 273 (Nu. 3:46).
- 973 Priests, sons of Jedaiah, who returned
(Ezra 2:36; Neh. 7:39).
74 - Spiritual Freedom
- Spiritual Freedom means freedom from the
Cosmic System ruled by Satan.
- 74 Levites (priests) who returned, sons of
(1) Jeshua (Jehovah is salvation), (2) Kadmiel (before, in
the presence of, God), (3) Hodaviah (Jehovah is his glory)
(Ezra 2:40; Neh. 7:43).
- The concept of Spiritual Freedom in the
NT: John 8:32; Gal. 5:1; 2 Cor. 3:17.
75 - the Promised Land, Inheritance, New Spiritual
Life, Spiritual Maturity, Sovereign Plan of God, Separation from
the World
- Abram was 75 when he departed from Haran
to go to Canaan to receive his inheritance, destiny, of the
Promised Land (Gen 12:4). This was God's sovereign plan for
the New Spiritual Life.
- Abraham lived 175 years (Gen 25:7)
- 75,000 enemies of the Jews killed in Media
and Persia (Esther 9:16). Victory over enemies of New
Spiritual Life.
76 - Skill
- 1,760 sons of the priestly family, "very
able men" left in Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity
(1 Chron. 9:13).
- 44,760 sons of Reuben, Gadites, and
Manasseh who "were skillful in battle" (1 Chron 5:18) with
bows and swords.
- 760 sons of Zaccai (pure) who returned
from captivity (Ezra 2:9; Neh. 7:14).
77 - Reverse Process Reversionism
- Reverse Process Reversionism (RPR) means
turning away from Right Man - Right Woman to pursue a
paramour. The subject is more complicated than this
brief definition. The individual in this judgment is
under strong attraction to the paramour while strongly
rejecting Right Man - Right Woman. In addition, the
Lord avenges anyone who interferes in the judgment.
- Lamech, the first polygamist (RPR) in
history, said if Cain were avenged seven-fold, then Lamech
seventy-seven fold (Gen. 4:24).
- 77 elders of Succoth whom Gideon thrashed
with desert thorns (Judg. 8:14), which avenged their refusal
to give bread to the army of Israel.
78 - Sexual abuse
Ma`akah (also Maacah), which
means sexually abused, fondled, pressured sexually, was the
favorite wife out of the 18 wives and 60 concubines (i.e. 78
total) of Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 11:21).
79 - No direct reference to 79 in scripture has
been found.
- The number 79 may stand for Hardness
of the Heart, although this cannot yet be proven from
scripture. When the Philistines captured the Ark of the
Covenant, they were struck with a plague just as Pharaoh of
Egypt of the Exodus generation (1 Sam. 6:4). They hardened
their heart as Pharaoh did (1 Sam. 6:6). Further, 50,070
Jews from Beth-shemesh died because they had looked into the
Ark. In this passage (1 Sam. 6:1-21), there is hardness of
the heart which resulted in a plague (for which the number
would be 9) and arrogance of hardness of the heart leading
to death of Philistines and 50,070 Jews. The arrogance
opposed the authority of national rulership vested in the
elders and symbolized by the 70. The passage obviously
contains a 70 and 9, but it would be a violation of our
principles of interpretation to add them.
80 - Strength
- "or if due to strength eighty years" (Psa
- Moses was 80 when he confronted Pharaoh
(Ex. 7:7).
- Israel had peace for 80 years following
the victory of Ehud over Moab (Jdg. 3:30).
81 - Grace Counterattack.
- The number of days and nights that Elijah
was in the wilderness fleeing from Jezebel en route to Mt.
Horeb after his grace victory on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 19:4,
- 81 = 34 where 3 is for the
Justice of the Holy Spirit. Three raised to the 4th
power represents a Throne Angel; Satan as a Throne Angel
counterattacks grace; 27 = 33 is a horn, the
symbol of an Angelic Power.
82 - Breakpoint; break with the past.
- Methusaleh lived 782 years after becoming
the father of Lamech (Gen 5:26).
- Lamech lived 182 years and became the
father of Noah (Gen 5:28).
83 - Levitical Priest; High Priest
- Aaron was 83 when he and Moses stood
before Pharaoh (Ex. 7:7). Aaron was the first Levitical
- 8300 Koathites (8600 is a misprint) (Num.
- From history, there have been 83 High
Priests in Israel.
84 - Weakness of the Congregation and later the
- Age of Anna at the time of Christ's birth
and Offering of Purification (Luke 2:37).
- 284 Levites in the Holy City (Neh. 11:18).
85 - Eye (Spy)
Josh. 14:10 - Caleb was 85 years old when he
received the inheritance he had spied out 45 years earlier.
1 Sam 22:18 - Doeg spied on David when he fled
from Saul.
86 - Legalistic Persecution; Son of the Bondwoman
Gen. 16:16 - Age of Abraham when Hagar bore
Ishmael to him. The son of the bondwoman persecuted the
son of the free (Gal 4:29).
87 - Donkey, Mule - transportation system
1 Chron. 7:5 - The 87,000 relatives of Issachar,
who was a donkey (Gen. 49:14)
88 - Blessing
- 1 Chron. 25:7 - number in the orchestra of
David (288).
- Neh. 7:26 - number of noblemen of
Bethlehem and Netophah (188) returning from Babylonian
89 - Without Divine Authority; Authority
Nehemiah 7:39-41; Ezra 2:36-39 - total number of
priests who returned from captivity was 4,289. These
priests were without divine authority in that there was no Ark
of the Covenant, no Shekinah Glory, and the Urim and Thummim
were no longer functional. Nehemiah 7:7-72 - total number
who returned from captivity 31,089.
90 - Election, new order
Gen 17:17 - Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born and
the Jewish race began
91 - Emergency; coup de grace
Gen. 5:14 - Kenan lived 910 years. He was the
father of Mahalalel, the son who represented a downward incline
in history.
92 - Servant; son of a slave, homeborn slave
Ezra 2:58; Neh. 7:60 - 392 sons of Solomon's
93 - Guilt
Gen. 5:5 - Adam lived 930 years (through whom the
guilt of sin entered the human race); 1 Chron 26:8-13 - number
of heads of the 4,000 gatekeepers.
94 - Footstool
- 94 is the end of the sequence of 49, which
is the number of days in the 7 weeks of the sacred period
after the Passover before Pentecost (Deut. 16:9-10).
Pentecost was the celebration of the termination of the
harvest after the latter grain had been cut and gathered but
not yet threshed. The sickle cutting the standing
grain represented the Fifth Cycle of Discipline after which
the surviving captives were taken to the footstool of the
victorious king.
- 94 represents a paradigm shift after a
category (7) of categories (7), or 49. The Passover
was a type of the Cross, which was followed by the new
paradigm of Resurrection and the Church.
- Nimrod (Evil King), dr)m+n!
= 294 = 42 X 7 = a category of Baal. He was the first
conquering king. Thus, directly or indirectly, he made
his enemies a footstool.
- Symbolized by a double rainbow.
Judgment of the footstool is criminal judgment following
military judgment. Thus, it is the end of the second
- Atomic number of Plutonium.
95 - Hero
Ezra 2:20 - 95 sons of Gibbar, which means hero;
Gen 5:30 - Lamech lived 595 years after he became the father of
96 - Spoils of Victory; Benjamin
Jer. 52:23 - 96 exposed pomegranates on the
capitols of the pillars of Solomon's Temple which were being
taken away as spoils to Babylon. Note also: Gen. 49:27 -
Benjamin was the ravenous wolf that ate the spoils of victory.
97 - Reduction in Force (RIF)
Judges 7:3 compared with 7:6: 10,000 - 300 =
9700 (Reduction in Force of Gideon's army)
98 - Ichabod (the Glory of the LORD has departed)
1 Sam. 4:15 - Eli was 98 when the Ark of the Lord
was captured by the Philistines, and the Shekinah Glory no
longer dwelt in Israel; Ezra 2:16, Neh. 7:21 - 98 sons of Ater
of Hezekiah, where Ater = bound, shut up and Hezekiah = the
might of Jehovah: thus "the might of Jehovah is bound (or shut
99 - The Challenger (almost but not quite)
- Matt. 18:12, Luke 15:4 - Parable of the 99
sheep and one lost.
- Abraham was 99 (Rom. 4:19) when Sarah was
pregnant with Isaac.
100 - Maximum Divine Good Production
- Isaac reaped a hundredfold (Gen 26:12).
- Maximum production (Matt. 13:8; Mark 4:8).
111 - No scripture reference found.
By deduction, the witness of truth.
200 - Double Portion
- Double portion (Deut. 21:17)
- 200 female goats (Gen 32:14).
- 200 pomegranates around the capitals of
the 2 pillars of Solomon's Temple (1 Ki. 7:20).
222 - Strong negative; cursing; rejection.
- 1,222 sons of Azgad (meaning strong
invader) returned from Babylon (Ezra 2:12).
300 - Judgment
- Noah's Ark was 300 cubits long (Gen.
- Gideon's army numbered 300 (Judg. 7:6-8).
333 - No scripture reference found.
Based upon deduction, the number refers to the
purification of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way, e.g. a
400 - Weak production
- 400 virgins taken by the Benjamites at
Shiloh (Judg. 21:12).
- Wall of Jerusalem torn down from Gate of
Ephraim to Corner Gate 400 cubits (2 Ki. 14:13).
- Israel would be enslaved in Egypt 400
years (Gen. 15:13) - actually 430 years (Ex. 12:40-41).
- 400 men came to David at the Cave of
Adullam (1 Sam. 22:1-2).
- 400 pomegranates in Solomon's Temple (1
Ki. 7:42).
444 - No scripture reference found.
By deduction the number would refer to maximum
weakness, e.g. 2 Cor. 12:9.
500 - Grace Production
- Jews under Mordecai killed 500 of their
enemies in Susa (Ester 9:6).
- New Temple for Millennium was 500 reeds (6
cubits) square (Ezek. 42:15-20).
555 - No scripture reference.
By deduction, opposition of giants.
600 - Production of Man
- Noah was 600 years old when the flood
started (Gen. 7:6).
- Pharaoh chased Israel at the Exodus with
600 chariots (Ex. 14:7).
- "Shamgar the son of Anath, ... struck down
six hundred Philistines with an ox goad; and he also saved
Israel" (Judg. 3:31).
- 600 men, sons of Dan (Judg. 18:16).
- 600 men with Saul (1 Sam. 13:15; 14:2).
- Head of Goliath's spear weighed 600
shekels (1 Sam. 17:7).
- David had 600 men (1 Sam. 23:13).
- David bought the threshing floor of Onan
for 600 shekels of gold (1 Chron. 21:25).
666 - Monetary Reversionism (Love
of Money)
- "Now the weight of gold which came to
Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold," (2 Chron.
- 666 sons of Adonikam (meaning my lord has
risen) who returned from Babylon (Ezra 2:13).
- The number of the beast, for the number is
that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six
(Rev. 13:17-18). The mark was required to do business.
- Romulus - founder of Roman Empire, i.e.
Rumiith (Hebrew) = 200 + 6 + 40 + 10 + 10 + 400 = 666
- Lateinos (Greek) = Latin man, man of
Latium (a city from which the Romans derived their
origin). Lateinos = 30+1+300+5+10+50+70+200 = 666.
700 - Choice Production
- 700 choice men (Judg. 20:15, 16).
- 700 charioteers that David killed (2 Sam.
- Solomon had 700 wives (1 Ki. 11:3).
- 700 men who drew swords (2 Ki. 3:26).
777 - Tangent; fly off never to return.
Lamech, father of Noah, lived 777 years (Gen.
800 - Production of New Birth
- Adam lived 800 years after the birth of
Seth, who was born again (Gen. 5:4).
- Jared lived 800 years after the birth of
Enoch (Gen. 5:19).
- Adino the Eznite, war hero of David,
killed eight hundred one time (2 Sam. 23:8).
888 - Jesus (Greek); magnified blessing
'Iesous (Greek) = 10+8+200+70+400+200 =
900 - Production of Divine Cursing (like the Plagues
of Egypt)
Canaanites who oppressed Israel had 900 iron
chariots (Judg. 4:3, 13).
999 - No scripture reference.
By deduction, extremely close but not quite.
1000 - A large number (e.g. a myriad); a number for
God's riches or blessing.
- A thousand pieces of silver (Genesis
- "The cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm
2000 - Crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3:4; Num. 35:5)
(see year 2000)
1. E. A. Pollard, Southern History of the War
(The Fairfax Press), pp. 60-61.
2. Deleted.
3. Larry Wood, "Marriage Culture,
Seed of Society - Root of Behavior," January 12,
4. Deleted.
5. Larry Wood, "God of the
Covenants," 1996.
6. Francis Brown. The New
Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon,
(Lafayette, Indiana 47902: Associated Publishers and
Authors, Inc.), 1978. Page 1035.
Larry Wood, 1997 - Last Revised: Jan.
5, 2025
Author: Larry Wood