Abridged Number Reference

1 - Unity, Love, Holiness, purity, whole; God the Father (1st person of Trinity) 2 - Divine division or separation 3 - Justice of the Holy Spirit; Trinity; spirit, air 4 - Weakness; relationship of Earth to the Ruler of Creation in the Heavens 5 - Grace; giant. 6 - Man, or mankind; work; the sixth step of a categorical sequence. 7 - Complete Category; Light; Categorical suffering; Sabbath, swearing to a covenant 8 - New Birth 9 - Plagues, blows, strokes; scourging 10 - Laws of Establishment; Commandments; Doctrine 11 - Witness 12 - Authority 13 - Double Blessing 14 - Passover, cross over; Hebrew 15 - Cover, covering; Mercy Seat 16 - Sanctification 17 - Lawlessness 18 - Pillar in the Temple 19 - King, Royal Government (Federal Government) 20 - External Gates; going out and coming in; military; a generation. 21 - Providential Preventative Suffering (Checkmate) 22 - Cursing 23 - Cursing turned to blessing; Spiritual uptrend in history. 24 - Archangel; Strategy
    1. The number 24 refers to the Archangels (Angelic General Staff), the highest ranking throne angels around the Throne of God.  Elder was commonly used for the head of the tribe.  In a tribal society based on seniority, the head of the tribe was the old man.  The elders of tribes were in positions of leadership and responsible for strategic alignment.  However, the elders around the Throne of God are angels - not men (Rev 4:4, 10; 5:8; 11:16; 19:4).
    2. Satan's strategy has always been to destroy Israel; thus, 24 refers to a strategic Satanic Counterattack on Israel: The giants who opposed the army of Israel had 24 fingers and toes (2 Sa. 21:20; 1 Chron. 20:6).
    3. Strategic advance in Israel is designated by 24: There were 24 bulls for peace offerings in dedication of the Tabernacle and 2400 shekels total silver utensils (Nu. 7:85). On the 24th of the 7th month during the Feast of Tabernacles regathered Israel celebrated a Holy Day convocation. Daniel's vision was on the 24th day of the first month (Da. 10:4). God stirred Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple on the 24th of the 6th month (Hag. 1:15); prophesy on the 24th of 9th month (Hag. 2:10, 18, 20). Zechariah's vision was on the 24th of the 11th month (Zech 1:7ff).
    4. David's Organizational Structure was based on the number, 24 (1 Chron. chapters 24, 25, 27).
25 - Sovereignty of God 26 - Political Babylon, Politician 27 - Horn 28 - Fortress, stronghold 29 - Victory over Edom (Laws of Establishment Victory) 30 - Priest 31 - Evil King, Archon, Satan's god of war or goddess of love 32 - Conspiracy
    1. The king of Syria with 32 kings attacked Samaria (1 Ki. 20:1, 16).
    2. Later, the king of Syria commanded the 32 captains of his chariots when Ahab formed an alliance with Jehoshaphat (Judah) to attack the king of Syria. Ahab died in battle (1 Ki. 22:31).
    3. Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, became king of Judah at age 32. He married the daughter of Ahab and did evil (2 Ki. 8:17).
33 - Purification of the Holy Spirit 34 - Division, division of the land 35 - Rest from Enemies 36 - Ai; shooting yourself in the foot. 37 - Warrior; mighty warrior; military hero 38 - Dying in the Wilderness 39 - Sin Leading to Death 40 - Maximum Divine Discipline 41 - Happiness 42 - Bear, Baal 43 - Fulfill; complete 44 - Suffering 45 - Victory over the Stronghold 46 - Pregnancy, a project 47 - Peace 48 - Inheritance of the Levites 49 - Length of time before 50, i.e. Pentecost or the Church 50 - Church 51 - Arrogance 52 - Wall, wall of protection 53 - Large fish; ship. 54 - Redemption 55 - Grace Blessing 56 - dropping; dripping, e.g. wine dripping from a vat or dung dropping in the open field. 57 - Zebulun 58 - Levite; brother 59 - Simeon; criminality; justice of dividing and scattering 60 - Worldly production 61 - Income tax 62 - The end 63 - Outcast 64 - Maximum weakness, hirelings, slave labor 65 - Inclined Plane Going Down; Reversionism 66 - Worldliness 67 - Giving (of worldly possessions). 68 - Serving in Edom 69 - Running the course. 70 - Elder; prophet, pastor-teacher 71 - Strait 72 - Gatekeeper; guard; security. 73 - Freedom 74 - Spiritual Freedom 75 - the Promised Land, Inheritance, New Spiritual Life, Spiritual Maturity, Sovereign Plan of God, Separation from the World
    1. Abram was 75 when he departed from Haran to go to Canaan to receive his inheritance, destiny, of the Promised Land (Gen 12:4). This was God's sovereign plan for the New Spiritual Life.
    2. Abraham lived 175 years (Gen 25:7)
    3. 75,000 enemies of the Jews killed in Media and Persia (Esther 9:16).  Victory over enemies of New Spiritual Life.
76 - Skill 77 - Reverse Process Reversionism 78 - Sexual abuse
Ma`akah (also Maacah), which means sexually abused, fondled, pressured sexually, was the favorite wife out of the 18 wives and 60 concubines (i.e. 78 total) of Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 11:21).
79 - No direct reference to 79 in scripture has been found. 80 - Strength 81 - Grace Counterattack.
  1. The number of days and nights that Elijah was in the wilderness fleeing from Jezebel en route to Mt. Horeb after his grace victory on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 19:4, 8)
  2. 81 = 34 where 3 is for the Justice of the Holy Spirit.  Three raised to the 4th power represents a Throne Angel; Satan as a Throne Angel counterattacks grace; 27 = 33 is a horn, the symbol of an Angelic Power.
82 - Breakpoint; break with the past.
    1. Methusaleh lived 782 years after becoming the father of Lamech (Gen 5:26).
    2. Lamech lived 182 years and became the father of Noah (Gen 5:28).
83 - Levitical Priest; High Priest 84 - Weakness of the Congregation and later the Church. 85 - Eye (Spy) 86 - Legalistic Persecution; Son of the Bondwoman 87 - Donkey, Mule - transportation system 88 - Blessing 89 - Without Divine Authority; Authority Counterattack 90 - Election, new order 91 - Emergency; coup de grace 92 - Servant; son of a slave, homeborn slave 93 - Guilt 94 - Footstool
  1. 94 is the end of the sequence of 49, which is the number of days in the 7 weeks of the sacred period after the Passover before Pentecost (Deut. 16:9-10).  Pentecost was the celebration of the termination of the harvest after the latter grain had been cut and gathered but not yet threshed.  The sickle cutting the standing grain represented the Fifth Cycle of Discipline after which the surviving captives were taken to the footstool of the victorious king.
  2. 94 represents a paradigm shift after a category (7) of categories (7), or 49.  The Passover was a type of the Cross, which was followed by the new paradigm of Resurrection and the Church.
  3. Nimrod (Evil King), dr)m+n! = 294 = 42 X 7 = a category of Baal.  He was the first conquering king.  Thus, directly or indirectly, he made his enemies a footstool.
  4. Symbolized by a double rainbow.  Judgment of the footstool is criminal judgment following military judgment.  Thus, it is the end of the second judgment.
  5. Atomic number of Plutonium.
95 - Hero 96 - Spoils of Victory; Benjamin 97 - Reduction in Force (RIF) 98 - Ichabod (the Glory of the LORD has departed) 99 - The Challenger (almost but not quite) 100 - Maximum Divine Good Production 111 - No scripture reference found. 200 - Double Portion 222 - Strong negative; cursing; rejection. 300 - Judgment 333 - No scripture reference found. 400 - Weak production 444 - No scripture reference found. 500 - Grace Production 555 - No scripture reference. 600 - Production of Man 666 - Monetary Reversionism (Love of Money) 700 - Choice Production 777 - Tangent; fly off never to return. 800 - Production of New Birth 888 - Jesus (Greek); magnified blessing 900 - Production of Divine Cursing (like the Plagues of Egypt) 999 - No scripture reference. 1000 - A large number (e.g. a myriad); a number for God's riches or blessing.
  1. A thousand pieces of silver (Genesis 20:16)
  2. "The cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10)
2000 - Crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3:4; Num. 35:5) (see year 2000)


1. E. A. Pollard, Southern History of the War (The Fairfax Press), pp. 60-61.

2. Deleted.

3.  Larry Wood, "Marriage Culture, Seed of Society - Root of Behavior,"  January 12, 1997.

4. Deleted.

5. Larry Wood, "God of the Covenants,"  1996.

6. Francis Brown.  The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, (Lafayette, Indiana 47902:  Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc.), 1978. Page 1035.

Larry Wood, 1997 - Last Revised:  Jan. 5, 2025
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Author: Larry Wood