Bombs Over Baghdad
Symbols of the Fall of Saddam Hussein
Red Azaleas and Bumblebees
On March 12th, 2003, the azaleas in central Florida
were blooming. The red ones bloomed first and were much fuller than
the white ones. Red is the color for suffering. With the azaleas
came bumblebees, many more than usual. The bumblebees were swarming
around the azaleas. Later, on April
7th, when the bee truck turned over a few miles away and released 80
million bees on I-95, the symbolism could be understood. Bees represent
male rapists, one of the symbols of war (Deuteronomy
1:44; Zechariah 14:2). A swarm of bees represents the diaspora
5:26; 7:18; Zechariah 10:8).
Lizard Eating Cat
A cat came out on April 6th and declared war on the
lizards. After a few skirmishes, the cat rid the area of lizards.
She relished them. She pounced upon them with adroitness that left
other lizards in shock and awe. Lizards literally ran for the rafters.
The lizard is found in kings palaces (Proverbs
30:28), but it is also a symbol of Baal, the enemy of children.
The cat is a symbol of a cat demon as well as the female. The cat
demon is a demon Commander,
such as Baal. The cat eating the lizards was a symbol of evil disciplining
evil just as when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC.
The cat eating the lizards was also an angelic
portrayal of the Iraq War. Angels grasped the irony of a US army
with women in combat as the most non-feminine thing imaginable. The
cat represents Bush's army with women soldiers, and the lizard represents
Saddam Hussein. The lizard sticking out of the cat's mouth in the
right photo resembles the overturned statue of Saddam Hussein (photo).
Bombing of Saddam
Links: | AP
| Photo
Just as the Sunset often predicts the next day, the
Sunset of April 6th portrayed three eyes of light in the sky (left photo).
The three eyes symbolized the bombs dropped on Saddam Hussein and the Justice
of the Holy Spirit. Saddam was bombed on April
7th in Baghdad. The right photo shows the head of Saddam Hussein
and the torso of his statue
that was pulled down in Baghdad. In the right photo the eye of the
Sun is covered by the cloud. The Lord's covering solved the problem
of Saddam Hussein.
Snakes represent Satan. Snakes have come from
everywhere since the war began. The one in the photo rolled up into
a figure 8 to represent the new birth after the war.
Easter Turtle
A red-eared slider turtle began nesting in the back
yard on April 19th. These are the turtles that sit on logs in ponds
and slide off when approached. They only come out of the water to
nest. The photos interrupted the nesting session, but the same turtle
came back the next day on Easter and nested in the front yard. A
pair of crows, who amused themselves making out on the lamp post overhead,
waited for the turtle to lay her eggs. As soon as the turtle finished
and began crawling off, the crows dived down like looters in Baghdad to
eat the eggs.
Crows Robbing Turtle Nest
Turtles, which can live with rattlesnakes in gopher
holes, represent human good, and crows represent Baal. Human good
and evil were rejected on the Cross. In the spring the crows eat
turtle eggs, and as soon as young birds hatch, they eat the chicks.
Baal is the enemy of children. The crows robbing the turtle nest
is another example of evil judging evil.
After the US military risked life and limb to
free Iraq, the Iraqis began looting before the shooting stopped.
War was replaced by lawlessness. The US plan for the conquest of
Iraq failed to recognize the lawlessness of the Iraqis. The Iraqis
robbed banks, looted hospitals, and raped the patients in the psychiatric
wards. They looted the museum, and even the local zoo. The
only thing left in the zoo were lions, tigers, and bears, who were left
to starve. What the looters couldn't steal, they burned. When
they finished looting, they had the audacity to demand the US military
leave. Now there is a power struggle to fill the vacuum left by the
defeat of the Saddam Hussein regime.
The turtle represented the armor of the US military,
and the crows represented the sons of Baal in Iraq. As soon as the
US armor leaves, the sons of Baal will rush to take what's left and enslave
their own people just as Saddam did. Just as Satan attacked Nehemiah,
he will oppose the US presence and the freedom it represents in Iraq.
The Iraq War was a demonstration of the US Army's
3rd Infantry Division as the most awesome fighting force in history.
All of the US forces, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard,
set a new standard for modern warfare from air, sea, and land, but the
3rd Infantry Division was simply awesome. Nobody messes with the
3rd ID, and that's the way it was supposed to be because the Iraq War was
the Justice of the Holy Spirit in the year, 2003.
The number, 3, of the 3rd ID stands for the Justice of the Holy Spirit.
The Iraq War was the temporal side of the Spiritual
war in 2003. Long before the combat began, Christians with Bible
Doctrine were engaged with the unseen enemy. There was no obvious
justification for the war. It was apparently a vendetta between George
Bush and Saddam Hussein. Not that it matters, because the President
has the authority to send troops into battle, but, more importantly, war
is the Sovereign
decision of God. It is God who finally decides to make war.
Christians don't choose their battlefield. The Lord does that for
them. And they must take up a defensive position to stand and withstand
the attacks of the evil one.
Satan attacked the Church in the Spiritual war,
and the Iraq 26-Day War was the temporal result. The Spiritual War
was much more pervasive than the temporal. There were many more Spiritual
casualties than temporal. The ratio of Iraqi to US casualties in
most battles was around 1,000 to 1, which is a testimony to the blessing
of God upon Client Nation USA. During the Spiritual combat, casualties
included stragglers who went into reversionism and many who were punished
with sickness. The list of ailments was extensive: Cancer,
kidney problems, influenza, dental problems, respiratory problems like
SARS, financial disaster, and wrecks. A bee truck overturned near
Titusville, Florida and turned loose 80 million bees.
Among the lessons learned from the war were:
The battle is the Lord's.
The Lord determines the battlefield.
Beware of bullying the little guy; with power comes
Fear is pervasive among the masses and the authority
counterattack among leaders.
Divine blessing does not justify the righteousness
of the cause; God blessed Nebuchadnezzar.
Women don't belong in war, but women are essential
in Spiritual warfare.
In all things give thanks.
Most Christians have heard these things before and
think they understand them. They don't. The principles must
be rooted in the foundation of the Edification Complex of the Soul, which
most Christians don't have. Fighting the good fight of Bible Doctrine
is beyond the reach of most Christians.