NASA Orion
Spacecraft Returns from the Moon

Orion Splashdown, Dec. 11, 2022
NASA Orion
Spacecraft Returns from the Moon
Spiritual Meaning
NASA Orion
Spacecraft Returns from the Moon
December 11, 2022 (Day 345):
Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific off Baha
California at 9:40 AM Pacific Time after
completing a 25.5 day mission orbiting the Moon. The Orion
spacecraft was launched on the giant Artemis rocket from
Kennedy Space Center on November 16, 2022 at 1:47/44 AM EST.
The test flight around the Moon was the maiden flight of the
Artemis launch system with the Orion spacecraft. The
mission was very successful with few problems.
Splashdown was at 9:40/30 PST (17:40/30 GMT) on December 11,
2022 (Day 345), where the numbers mean 11, a witness; 2022,
cursing; 345, victory over the stronghold. The picture
of the Orion spacecraft was in the Astrology Chart at the time
of splashdown, and the historic event bore witness of the
creation of the heavens and the fulfillment of human
history. Many of the events of human history that
occurred during the mission symbolized the events of the test
flight from launch to splashdown.
NASA's Artemis I mission
to the Moon, beginning with launch on November 16 and ending
with splashdown on December 11, was intricately interwoven into
human history and the Angelic Conflict. NASA officials were elated with
the success of the mission. Like the construction of the
pyramids, it was truly an engineering feat. And people
were awe-struck with the pictures of the Moon and Earth from
space. The glory of the heavens bears witness of the
Creator and inspires God consciousness. After reaching God
consciousness, people can decide if they want to know God.
If they are positive, God will give them a Gospel hearing so
they can choose to be saved. This is one way that God
evangelizes the world. However, the glory of the world is
not always God's work.
Three days after launch when the Orion spacecraft was on its way
to the Moon, an 11-year old girl in a dance group was killed in
the Raleigh, North Carolina Christmas parade. A pickup
truck was pulling a heavy trailer float. As the truck came
down a hill, its brakes were unable to hold back the
momentum of the heavy trailer float. The driver Landon
Christopher Glass, 20, began to blow his horn and yell for
people to get out of the way. He ran through a dance group
and killed an 11-year old girl in the group. Landon was
born on October 11, 2002 (Day 284), where the numbers mean 11, a
witness, 2002, Divine division, and 284, the weakness of the
Now, the pickup truck and trailer symbolize marriage, where the
pickup is the man, and the trailer is the woman. The
trailer also corresponds to a wagon in an astrology chart.
The astrology chart of splashdown of Orion contained a wagon as
the symbol of the spacecraft. Splashdown was on December
11. Thus, the two events are related by the trailer, or
wagon, and the number 11. In the unseen Spiritual World we
can only assume what was happening. Angels and demons were
driving the pickup, motivating the dance group, manipulating the
brakes, and carrying the girl to her death. Satan arranged
the parade to spread his lie about Christmas to hide the truth
of the Virgin Birth of the Savior. Elect angels, including
guardian angels, stood down to allow Satan to put on the
Christmas parade because God ordered them. In the Angelic
Conflict Satan has a right to cross examine the witnesses.
When Orion splashed down, a Navy ship was standing by within
five miles with boats, helicopters, and divers. The ship
was also equipped with cameras and news casters to bear witness
and broadcast pictures around the world. They waited for
over 2 hours for the ammonia to boil off before approaching the
spacecraft that was full of manikins and an astronaut
dummy. That was ironic - waiting for a bunch of dummies.
Now, the Sun symbolizes Jesus Christ as the Light of the world
(Jn 8:12, 9:5), and the Moon symbolizes the congregation of
believers. The Sun and Moon can also symbolize Adam and
the woman in the Garden. During the 25-day mission the
Moon went through its phases. The crescent Moon symbolized
the rib that was taken from Adam to make the right woman from
his DNA. On the return trip on December 7, the Moon was
full in conjunction with the Red Planet in Taurus. This is
a sign of a bloody congregation, or Satan's persecution of the
chart at
the time of Orion splashdown contains a Wagon and a Plow.
A Wagon symbolizes a spacecraft and a woman in marriage, and a
Plow is the sign of intense suffering, like being plowed under.
The Plow pointed to the Redeemer Planet in Aquarius, for being
redeemed from the sea. The Orion spacecraft was redeemed
from the sea. The Plow crossing the Wagon symbolized the
spacecraft splashing down in the water.
The Sun was in Scorpius, for Satan as an angel of Light.
This indicates that Satan lured NASA and inspired the mission to
go back to the Moon, while God allowed it. The Moon was in
Cancer, for safety for a group. Although there were no
astronauts aboard, instrumentation measured the environmental
conditions to prove them safe for man.
The Sun with the first two planets formed a family
configuration, corresponding to the NASA family. However,
with the Sun symbolizing Satan, this symbolized Satan and
his followers (Jn 8:44; 1 Jn 3:10). The two planets were
in Sagittarius, corresponding to an army, or the NASA and
contractor work force and their supporters. The Morning
Star in Sagittarius symbolized a commander with his army, and
the Savior Planet in Sagittarius symbolized a deliverer.
Midheaven was in Libra, for Fire Testing, corresponding to testing the
heat shield and thermal protection system of the spacecraft
during reentry. During the mission, Mauna Loa, the
world's largest active volcano erupted in Hawaii on November 28
after 38 years (3-24-84 to 4-15-84).
The Bottom of Heaven was in Aries in conjunction with the
Mediator, corresponding to the death of Jesus Christ, the High
Priest of the New Covenant to the Church.
The Red Planet was in Taurus, for plagues, like COVID-19, the
flu, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The Red Planet
in Taurus also symbolizes the sacrifice of the bull under the
Law for sins. The sacrifice of the bull symbolized Redemption.
The Red Planet in Taurus was also a reminder of the murder of
the four University of Idaho students in Moscow, Idaho on
November 13 before the launch of Artemis I on November 16.
Moscow is a city on a river that was named in Yiddish for Moses,
who was taken from the Nile River.
Two planets were in Capricornus. The Last Adam in
Capricornus was on the Ascendant, for an outcast. The
Orion spacecraft symbolized an outcast when it broke free from
Earth's gravity to go to the Moon. The God of the
Covenants was also in Capricornus, for the Antichrist, or
Evil King, who will rule the European Union in the
The Almighty God Planet was in Pisces, for the Monster Whale as
the symbol of Baal. The Orion spacecraft splashed down in
the shark-infested waters near Guadalupe Island. The
island was named for the apparition of the Virgin Mary.
That is doctrine of demons associated with Baal.
NASA completed a 25-day, unmanned mission to orbit
the Moon on the maiden flight of the Orion spacecraft. The
mission began with Launch on November 16 and ended with splashdown
in the Pacific off Baha California on December 11. During
the mission the events of history were often related to the NASA
mission. For example, the events surrounding the death of an
11-year old girl in the Raleigh Christmas parade
corresponded with the image of the wagon (spacecraft) in the
astrology chart at the time of splashdown on December 11, where 11
symbolizes a witness.
The spacecraft image in the astrology chart at splashdown
indicates that God permitted the NASA mission, even if it was not
in His directive will. The heavens were made to reveal the
glory of God to aid man in reaching God consciousness so that he
can choose Salvation. The heavens were not made for man to
inhabit, although God does not oppose exploration. He allows
man to get a closer look, but the environment is too hostile for
Satan rules the world (Jn
14:30; 16:11; Eph 2:2; 6:12; 1 Jn 5:19), and it is most
likely that he planned and executed the Artemis I mission to orbit
the Moon. Satan used the opportunity to lie about the Moon
just as he lies about Christmas to hide God's truth. The
Moon mission was a great engineering feat, but what is its
purpose? Where does it lead? There did not
appear to be any scientific or Spiritual value. Yet God
allowed it, and will undoubtedly use it to evangelize the world as
people see His Creation and reach God consciousness.

1. "Artemis
I Mission Highlights," NASA, Johnson, Dec. 11, 2022.
2. Erika Peters, "Hidden Messages Pay Tribute Inside NASA’s Artemis
I Orion Spacecraft," NASA, Dec. 10, 2022.
3. Laura Rochon, "Purposeful Passenger: Artemis I Manikin Helps
Prepare for Moon Missions With Crew," NASA, Oct. 29, 2021.
4. "NASA Space Launch System Images," NASA, June
3, 2022.
5. "NASA Kennedy Space Center," Nov. 16, 2022.
6. "Truck in North Carolina holiday parade crashes,
kills girl:," Scripps Local Media, AP, Nov. 20, 2022.
Released Dec. 12, 2022