March 31, 2022 (Day 90): Swarms of tornadoes cursed the
southern United States as a large cold front was crossing the
Mississippi River. At least 69 tornadoes were reported
from Texas to Florida. Most of the tornadoes were in
Alabama. However, there were only two fatalities, and they
were in a sparsely populated area in the woods of Washington
County, Florida where a double-wide manufactured home was
obliterated by a 200-yard wide EF-3 (136-165 mph) tornado at 4:10 AM CDT
(0910 GMT) on the morning of March 31, 2022. A man
and his wife were killed. Other nearby homes were also damaged
or destroyed, and two people were injured. One was buried
under his large white pickup truck where he dove for cover as
the storm destroyed his house and barn.
storm formed the image of a rhinoceros (beast with a little horn
like the Antichrist (Dan 7:8)) as it approached from crossing
the Mississippi. The irony is that with all the havoc
wrought by the wrath of God, why were only two people killed in
the US, and why were they killed in a remote area in the middle
of nowhere? A tornado struck a manufactured home on
Gilbert's Mill Road nine miles southeast of Chipley. Two
people were killed and nearby houses and mobile homes were
damaged or destroyed. The tornado proceeded across Jewel
Road where a home was destroyed and a man wound up under a
white pickup truck. Members of the fire department had to
dig him out.
The land where the tornado
struck lies along Little Hard Labor Creek,which lies in the
lowland (or valley) at the bottom of Orange Hill. The
elevation of Little Hard Labor Creek is 75 feet (23
meters), and the elevation of Orange Hill is 285 feet (87 meters).
The creek was formerly used for a grist mill where corn meal was
ground. The surrounding unincorporated community was named
Gilbert's Mill. Gilbert's Mill is at the intersection of
Orange Hill Road and Gilbert's Mill Road.
The tornadoes were spawned by
weather angels to simulate a large battle in the Angelic
Conflict (or War in Heaven). We are not meant to
understand the battles in the Spiritual World, but we are given
insight of how they relate to our life. God determines the
time, manner, and place of death, and the angels make it
happen. The tornadoes exploded the homes and
structures and left piles of rubble (called ash heaps in the
Bible). This corresponds to the destruction of the houses
in Ukraine by the Russian Army. Our suffering from weather
cursing is related to the Temporal suffering of the people of
Ukraine under Russian bombardment. When we bear up under
suffering and pass the test, the Elect Angels in the battle for
Ukraine will overcome Satan's demons, and their cursing will be
turned to blessing. The believer who defeats Satan and his
demons has impact in delivering his nation and the world from
slavery. Satan rules the world, and we are all part of his
kingdom. God gave him permission to start the war, and he
is influencing both sides.
The Florida
tornado was along Gilbert's Mill Road by Little Hard Labor Creek
in the valley of cursing below Orange Hill. Orange Hill is
like the Hill of Megiddo in the Valley of Jezreel in
Israel (Zech 12:11; Rev 16:16). The Hill of Megiddo is the
location of the final Battle
of Armageddon. One of the meanings of the
year 2022 is cursing in the valley.
name Gilbert is German for bright pledge. Bright refers to
light, glory, and life, and pledge is a doctrinal belief or
solemn promise, such as the pledge of allegiance to the
flag. Flags have colors and are often called "the
colors." The colors of the flag of Ukraine are blue and
yellow (or gold). Blue is the color for righteousness and
doctrinal belief, and yellow is the color for light, glory, and
life. The children of Gilbert's Mill attend Chipley
High School, where the school colors are blue and gold.
The people of Ukraine are willing to die for their flag and what
it means, while the people of Russia are not wiling to live for
theirs. Putin cannot instill in their degenerate souls the
love of the homeland because they are full of lies and
degeneracy. The people have nothing to live for and
nothing worth dying for.
Gilbert's Mill and Ukraine are also both related to grain and
bread. Ukraine grows wheat and is the bread basket of
Europe, while Gilbert's Mill was a grist mill for grinding
corn. Corn meal for making corn bread was a staple in the
old south. Wheat prices will increase because of the Ukraine
War. Also, bread symbolizes the X-axis of the
Spiritual Life, corresponding to faith and doctrinal
belief. Our daily bread symbolizes faith.
At the time the tornado struck the house on Gilbert's Mill Road,
the Sun and Moon were in Pisces. The Sun in Pisces
symbolizes Heavenly glory, like the stars in the Milky
Way, and the Moon in Pisces symbolizes the Church or a group
with a common ideology. Thus, the Sun and Moon in Pisces
symbolize the colors in the flag of Ukraine and the meaning of
Also, the Red Planet was on the Ascendant in Capricornus, for
suffering in the flesh (the human body), corresponding to the
suffering of those in the path of the tornadoes and the
people in Ukraine in the face of Russian shelling. The
Last Adam was rising in Capricornus, for an outcast,
corresponding to those thrown out of their homes by the
The Chart at
the time of the tornado on Gilbert's Mill Road contains a Bow,
the weapon of a warrior, such as the Antichrist (Rev
6:2). The Red Planet, God of the Covenants, and Morning
Star are in conjunction on the Ascendant, and the Last Adam has
just risen. These planets ascending set the stage at the
time for how things were going to be. They mean:
- Red Planet - suffering in the flesh (human body)
- God of the Covenants - Antichrist
- Morning Star - military leaders, e.g. those in Ukraine.
- Last Adam - outcast, for those cast out of their homes by the
The Sun and Moon were in Pisces. The Moon was a crescent,
one day from New Moon, for the absence of reflected glory from
the Church. The Moon in Pisces symbolizes the faith or
belief of the Church, the blue in the Ukraine flag, and the
meaning of Gilbert. The Sun in Pisces symbolizes Heavenly
glory, corresponding to the glory of the stars, like the Milky
Way Galaxy or a celebrity. The Sun in Pisces corresponds
to the yellow in the Ukrainian flag and the meaning of
Gilbert. The Savior Planet was also in Pisces, for the
Savior of the body, or congregation.
The Almighty God and Redeemer planets were in Aquarius, where
Aquarius symbolizes Florida. The Almighty God refers to
the Prostitute of Babylon, who is under Baal. The Evil
King will attack the Prostitute of Babylon in the
Tribulation. This corresponds to Russia attacking
Ukraine. It also symbolizes the tornado and its angel
attacking Washington County, which is Florida county number 50,
for the Church, which usually loses when attacked by the
State. And the Redeemer in Aquarius is for redemption from
Sheol, the grave, for those who survived the tornado.
The first three signs on the left side of the Chart correspond
to Texas, Florida, and Mississippi and Alabama in the region of
Pisces. This corresponds to the span of the
tornadoes on the SPC Storm Report above from Texas to Florida.
The Mediator Planet was in Aries, for an official, corresponding
to the first responders who came to the aid of the tornado
The tornado that struck Gilbert's Mill Road in
Washington County, Florida obliterated homes and reduced them to
piles of debris, or ash heaps. Two people were killed and
two injured. An Elect Weather Angel made the tornado and did the
damage while other angles and demons participated in the
battle. The angels were invisible, but they produced the
rain, wind, and destruction in the valley of cursing along
Hard Labor Creek at the bottom of Orange Hill. This was
all symbolic of the mayhem wrought by the Russian Army upon
the citizens of Ukraine. The story is threaded together
with the meaning of Gilbert, for bright pledge, and the
blue and gold colors of the Ukrainian flag and the colors of
Chipley High School.
The Sun and Moon were in Pisces with the same message:
Sun (bright) and Moon (pledge). The Moon in Pisces also
symbolizes the faith, or doctrinal beliefs of the
Church. What is believed corresponds to daily
bread. The war in Ukraine will affect the price of
bread. Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe, and
Gilbert's Mill was a grist mill for the surrounding community.