2023 Hybrid
Solar Eclipse, Sign of Second Advent

Eclipse, Exmouth, Western Australia, ABC News
2023 Hybrid
Solar Eclipse, Sign of Second Advent
Solar Eclipse Chart
2023 Hybrid Solar Eclipse, Sign of Second
April 20, 2023
(Day 110): The hybrid solar eclipse on April 20,
2023 was visible over southeast Asia, Indonesia, East Timor,
Australia, the Philippines, and New Zealand. It is
called hybrid because it appears as both annular and total
over different sections of its path. The eclipse begins as
annular; then transitions to total and back to annular
again. Greatest eclipse will be on April 20 at 0416/44.9
UT1 (Universal Time) in the southern hemisphere over
Timor-Leste (East Timor). The eclipse will be followed
by a lunar eclipse two weeks later on May 5, 2023.
The planetary configuration at the time of the eclipse is a
Bowl. The Bowl and the two eclipses are a sign of the
Second Advent when the Lord will return to pour out His
wrath on mankind. The Second Advent will be heralded by
the Sun being darkened and the Moon the color of blood.
The Bowl Judgments in the Tribulation (Revelation 16) will
precede the Second Advent.
The main eclipse passed through Indonesia and Timor-Leste in
the region corresponding to Aquarius. Aquarius,
the water-bearer, symbolizes water poured out from Heaven,
corresponding to the blessing of the Millennium (Isa 35:1, 2;
Eclipses also symbolize Eclipse
Testing. Solar eclipses symbolize testing of
the Right Man, and lunar eclipses symbolize testing of the
Right Woman. The darkness during an eclipse
corresponds to death and the attack of the Cosmic
System. An annular eclipse is surrounded by a
ring of light, which symbolizes the marriage covenant,
which endures the Eclipse Testing. Even though the
woman puts the man's lights out, the marriage covenant
remains intact. This also symbolizes the enduring
sanctification of the Right Man - Right Woman
Eclipse Chart, Apr. 20, 2023
Chart of the hybrid solar eclipse at the time of maximum eclipse
contains a Bowl on the Light side of the Chart. A
Bowl symbolizes a bowl of blessing or cursing. The Bowl
symbolizes the Bowl Judgments of Revelation 16. The Bowls
are full of the wrath of God poured out on the Earth in the
Tribulation. The cursing will be turned to blessing
for believers at the Second Advent when the Lord kills their
enemies and removes Satan and his demons. The Light side
of the Chart symbolizes the day, and the dark side the
night. The Bowl filled with wrath in the day symbolizes
the day of the wrath of God at the Second Advent (Joel 2:1, 2;
Zeph 1:14, 15; Rev 6:17).
The Sun is in Midheaven in Aries, for the glory of the husband,
or, in this case, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Moon, which
is in conjunction with the Sun, produces the eclipse. The
Moon symbolizes the wife, who becomes Jezebel in the darkness of
the Cosmic System.
Opposite the Sun and Moon in Aries is the Bottom of Heaven in
Libra, for the Judgment of Death, or an execution. This
corresponds to the Lord killing His enemies with the sword of
his mouth at the Second Advent (Rev 1:16; 2:16).
Two more planets are also in conjunction in Aries. They
- Savior Planet - the Good Shepherd who gives
His life for the sheep.
- Mediator Planet - Christ, the High Priest of
the Church.
The Ascendant sign is Cancer, for reaping the
grapes of wrath at the Second Advent (Rev 14:18-20).
The Red Planet is rising in Gemini, for a bloody bridegroom,
corresponding to the blood on the Lord's robe as he treads the
winepress of the wrath of God (Rev 19:13, 15; Isa 63:3).
Cancer and Gemini correspond to the region of Western Australia.
The Morning Star is in Taurus, for the Lord as the mighty victor
at the Second Advent.
The Last Adam is on the Descendant in Capricornus, for an
outcast. Unbelievers will be cast off the Earth in the Baptism
of Fire at the Second Advent.
The God of the Covenants is in Aquarius, for the Noahic Covenant
in which God promised never again to destroy all flesh with a
flood (Gen 9:13-14, 15). Aquarius corresponds to the
region of Indonesia and Timor-Leste. Aquarius is also
associated with cursing turned to blessing in the
Millennium. So, here, the eclipse in Aquarius corresponds
to cursing turned to blessing at the Second Advent. It
also symbolizes cursing turned to blessing in the Right Man -
Right Woman relationship after Eclipse Testing in the Garden and
in this life.
Pisces contains:
- Redeemer Planet - giving, income tax.
Money cannot deliver from the wrath of God (Ezek 7:19; Zeph
- Almighty God - monster whale, a symbol of
Satan as Baal and the Beast rising from the sea (Rev 13:1;
17:3, 7).
The Hybrid Solar Eclipse is a combination annular
and total eclipse. The annular eclipse has a ring of
light, and the total eclipse is completely dark. Light
corresponds to life and darkness to death. The Solar
Eclipse symbolizes both the First and Second Advents of
Christ. In the First Advent He suffered
spiritual death when He bore the sins of the world.
When He finished bearing the sins, He was still alive, as
symbolized by the ring of Light. Then He dismissed his
spirit and died physically, as symbolized by the total eclipse.
In the Second Advent Christ will destroy most of the human race,
but a remnant of believers will survive, as symbolized by a ring
of Light. The unbelievers will be cast off into
Hades in physical death, as symbolized by the total
Eclipses also symbolize Eclipse Testing in the Right Man - Right
Woman relationship, corresponding to the sins of Adam and the
woman in the Garden. When the woman sinned, she no longer
reflected Adam's glory but became darkness. However, Adam
was left with a ring of light that meant their marriage covenant
was still intact. After the man and woman sinned, their
marriage was a disaster, but they were still alive and still
married. They were not divorced or remarried to
another. They were spiritually dead, but physically
alive. However, they eventually died physically as
symbolized by the total eclipse.
The Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 symbolizes both the
Second Advent and Eclipse Testing of Right Man - Right
Woman. The Bowl on the Light side of the
astrological chart symbolizes the bowl of the wrath of God
poured out on the Day of Wrath of the Second Advent. The
Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 runs through Indonesia,
Timor-Leste, and the Philippines in the region of
Aquarius. Aquarius symbolizes the blessing of the
Millennium when cursing is turned to blessing after the Day of
the Lord (Second Advent). The Solar Eclipse will be
followed two weeks later by a Lunar Eclipse to symbolize the Sun
darkened and the Moon colored blood-red before the Day of the
Lord (Second Advent).
The Sun is in Aries in Midheaven, for a husband's glory and the
Glory of the Lord at the Second Advent. The shadow of the
Moon in Aries will block the light of the Sun, where the Moon
symbolizes Jezebel, or the woman in sin. The Sun is
opposite the Bottom of Heaven in Libra, for the Judgment of
death, or execution, corresponding to the Lord killing His
enemies at the Second Advent and sending them to Hades in the
Baptism of Fire.
Cancer is on the Ascendant, for reaping the grapes of wrath and
putting them in the winepress of God's wrath. The Red
Planet is rising in Gemini as a bloody bridegroom, for the Lord
Jesus Christ with blood on His robe from slaying His enemies.
The Last Adam is on the Descendant, for an outcast,
corresponding to unbelievers who are cast away into Hades
in the Baptism of Fire at the Second Advent. And the God
of the Covenants is in Aquarius, for God's promise not to
destroy the world again by a flood. The Second Advent will
not destroy everyone, but will leave a remnant of believers to
populate the Millennial Kingdom. Aquarius corresponds to
the region of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and the Philippines along
the path of the eclipse. The coming Age of Aquarius
symbolizes the blessing of the Millennium.
Thus, the Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 symbolizes the
Second Advent. It also symbolizes Eclipse Testing of Right
Man and Right Woman.

1. "Hybrid Solar Eclipse of 2023 Apr 20," Fred Espenak,
EclipseWise.com, July 25, 2022.
2. Larry
Wood, "2018 Pillar
Eclipses, Sign of Second Advent," Jan. 31, 2018.
3. "Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2023 May 05," Fred Espenak,
EclipseWise.com, Feb. 27, 2022.
4. "NASA Eclipse Web Site," Robert M. Candey,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Aug. 27, 2016.
5. "Eclipse Live, Exmouth, Western Australia,"
ABC News, Western Australia, YouTube, April 20, 2023.