2018 Pillar Eclipses, Sign of Second Advent

2018 Pillar Eclipses, Sign of Second Advent
Partial Solar Eclipse Chart, July 13, 2018
Stone Falls from Western Wall, July 23, 2018
Lunar Eclipse Chart, July 27, 2018
Partial Solar Eclipse Chart, August 11, 2018


2018 Pillar Eclipses, Sign of Second Advent

July 13, 2018 (Day 194):  The total lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 stands out for two reasons. It will be very long.  With a duration of 103 minutes it belongs a special class of those over 100 minutes long.  The other reason is the prophetic symbolism of the eclipse associated with partial solar eclipses that precede and follow it. 

Pillar Solomon's TempleThe location of greatest eclipse of the first partial solar eclipse on July 13 (Friday the 13th) is in Antarctica.  The location of greatest eclipse for the second eclipse is on the northern tip of Siberia in the Arctic Circle.  The location of greatest eclipse of the lunar eclipse is off Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.  The three eclipses correspond to the head, feet, and belly (or womb).  This also corresponds to one of the pillars outside Solomon's Temple.  The capital of the pillar corresponds to the head.  The pillar corresponds to the torso and legs, and base of the pillar corresponds to the feet.  The meaning of the year 2018 is a pillar in the temple.

Eclipses symbolize Eclipse Testing.  Solar eclipses symbolize testing of the Right Man, and lunar eclipses symbolize testing of the Right Woman.  The darkness during an eclipse corresponds to death and the attack of the Cosmic System.  The first partial solar eclipse associated with the feet would symbolize the attack of Ecumenical Babylon.  The lunar eclipse associated with the belly would symbolize the attack of Political Babylon, and the last partial solar eclipse associated with the head would symbolize the attack of Cosmic Babylon.

The three eclipses associated with the head, belly, and feet also correspond to the image in Daniel's dream that symbolized the kingdoms of the world (Dan 2:34).  The first partial solar eclipse associated with the feet corresponds to the stone cut out without hands that will shatter the feet of clay of the image.  That corresponds to the Lord Jesus Christ who will destroy the Revived Roman Empire at the Second Advent.   Before the Second Advent the Sun will be darkened and the Moon turned to blood (Joel 2:31).  The blood red Moon corresponds to the lunar eclipse.  The eclipse associated with the belly and Political Babylon also corresponds to the destruction of the nations of the world at the Second Advent (Rev 19:15).   And the last partial solar eclipse corresponds to the destruction of the Antichrist, the Evil King who seeks to rule the world (2 Thess 2:8).

The geographic locations of the three eclipses and their relation to a pillar of Solomon's Temple are shown below.

Partial Solar Eclipse 8-11-18
Lunar Eclipse 7-27-18
Partial Solar Eclipse 7-13-18


 Partial Solar Eclipse Chart, July 13, 2018

          Eclipse ChartThe Chart of the partial solar eclipse at the time of maximum eclipse contains a Star of David, a Trumpet, and a Plow.  The Star of David is a sign of great blessing.  It is the most propitious sign in a chart.  Here it symbolizes the great blessing of the Millennium.  The Trumpet is the signaling device of the angelic army at the Second Advent just as at the Rapture (1 Cor 15:52).  The Plow is for intense suffering like being plowed under.  It symbolizes the "stone cut out without hands" that crushes the feet of the image seen by Daniel in a dream and undermines the image. The feet of clay and iron symbolize the Revived Roman Empire, which the Lord will destroy at the Second Advent.

The eclipse occurs with the Sun and Moon in Gemini, for the opposition to the Lord and to Israel at His return.
  1. Sun - Marriage of the Lamb
  2. Moon - Wedding party (Marriage Feast in the Millennium)
The Bottom of Heaven is in Sagittarius with two planets, for the War of Armageddon.
  1. God of the Covenants - Doctrine of war
  2. Last Adam - Enemy attack.
The Almighty God Planet is in Libra, for the Lord ruling and judging with a rod of iron.

The Mediator Planet in Aries symbolizes the Lord as the founder of His Millennial Kingdom.

Stone Falls from Western Wall, July 23, 2018

A large stone cut out without hands fell from the Western Wall of the ruins of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem.  The stone fell near the feet of Daniella Goldberg, 79, who was standing on a wooden platform near the wall praying early in the morning.5  Daniella is the feminine form of Daniel, who wrote about "the stone cut out without hands" (Dan 2:34).  She was 79, for hardness of the heart, and the Moon was in Scorpius as a symbol of Jezebel.

As the Sun rose in Titusville, Florida, there was a beginning of a rainbow in the West.  Since only the beginning of the rainbow appeared, it resembled a pillar.  Such a rainbow pillar is the sign of the Resurrection.  The next Resurrection will be the Rapture of the Church.  The Resurrection of Israel will occur after the Lord returns as "the stone cut out without hands" at the Second Advent. 

Lunar Eclipse Chart, July 27, 2018

Lunar Eclipse 7-27-18The Chart of the great Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 contains five configurations.
  1. Grand Cross - most intense sign of suffering, corresponding to the annihilation of the enemies of the Lord at the Second Advent.
  2. Wing - symbol of the Lord's power and His mighty angels at the Second Advent.
  3. Grand Trine - symbolizes the great strength, power, stability, and momentum of the Lord as He destroys His enemies at the Second Advent.
  4. Mystic Rectangle crossed by a Wagon - the conflict of the armies of the Lord and the enemies of Israel at the Second Advent.
The location of greatest eclipse is off Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.  In relation to the other partial solar eclipses, the lunar eclipse in this region symbolizes the womb and the attack of Political Babylon.  This symbolizes the Lord's destruction of the nations of the world at the Second Advent (Rev 19:15)

The Moon is in Midheaven in conjunction with the Red Planet in Capricornus.
  1. Moon - a Gentile congregation, corresponding to the lawless Gentile enemies of Israel in the Armageddon War.
  2. Red Planet - suffering in the flesh.  The Second Advent follows the Tribulation, which is the most intense period of world suffering.
Lunar Eclipse 7-27-18The Sun is in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven in Cancer in darkness.  The Sun will be darkened and the Moon turned to blood before the Second Advent (Joel 2:31) as shown in the picture of the actual eclipse.  The Sun in Cancer is for the Lord as the keeper of Israel and all believers.
The Mediator Planet is on the Ascendant, for the founding of the Lord's Millennial Kingdom.

The Almighty God Planet is on the Descendant, for the Lord ruling and judging with a rod of iron.

Partial Solar Eclipse Chart, August 11, 2018

Solar Eclipse 8-11-18The chart at the time of greatest eclipse of the Partial Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 contains a Horse's Hoof, a Stage (Wine Press), and a Yod.  A Horse's Hoof symbolizes the trampling of the enemies of the Lord by His horse at the Second Advent.  The Stage symbolizes a wine press, for the Lord treading his enemies in the wine press at the Second Advent (Rev 19:15).  The Yod is for the critical timing of the Lord's return.  The Yod points to the Savior Planet in Cancer, for the Lord as the protector of Israel.  When Jerusalem is surrounded, the Lord will return and deliver it.

The partial solar eclipse will be in northern Siberia inside the Arctic Circle.  In relation to the previous eclipses of the Moon and Sun, this eclipse symbolizes the death of the Antichrist, the Evil King over the Revived Roman Empire (the European Union) (2 Thess 2:8).

The eclipse of the Sun and Moon is in Cancer in conjunction with the Savior Planet.

  1. Sun - Lord keeper of Israel and all believers.
  2. Moon - Security for the congregation of Israel and believers.
  3. Savior Planet - Lord, protector of Israel and believers.

The Morning Star is in Virgo, for the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of David, who will return at the Second Advent to fulfill the Davidic Covenant (Rev 22:16).


The three eclipses of July and August 2018 correspond to the head, belly (womb), and feet.  This also corresponds to one of the pillars outside Solomon's Temple, where each pillar had a capital (head) and sat on a base (feet).  The meaning of the year 2018 is a pillar in the temple.   The three eclipses symbolize the Second Advent.
  1. Partial Solar Eclipse, July 13, 2018 (Antarctica) - symbolizes "the stone cut out without hands" that crushes the feet of clay of the statue in Daniel's dream (Dan 2:34).  The feet symbolize the Revived Roman Empire (European Union) ruled by the Antichrist.
  2. Lunar Eclipse, July 27, 2018 - the Sun will be darkened and the Moon turned to blood before the Second Advent (Joel 2:31) when the Lord will destroy the nations of the world (Political Babylon) (Rev 19:15).
  3. Partial Solar Eclipse, August 11, 2018 (northern Siberia inside Arctic Circle) - destruction of the Antichrist, the Evil King (2 Thess 2:8).  The sign in the Astrological Chart is a Horse's Hoof and a Wine Press for the Lord running over His enemies (Rev 19:15).
This is the Church Age.  The Second Advent will not occur until after the Rapture and the end of the Tribulation.  So why would the sign appear in the Church Age?  One reason is that the Second Advent is a major historical event that has been symbolized in many ways throughout history.  Among the symbols of the Second Advent are:  The destruction of Egypt before the exodus, crossing the Jordan to conquer the Promised Land (ref. year 2000), and a hurricane coming ashore.  The latest symbolism with the eclipses is quite graphic because it brings out the historical significance related to the symbol of a pillar in the temple.  Coming into the temple is one of the signs of the Second Advent when the Lord Jesus Christ will arrive to fulfill the symbolism of Him in the Temple.


1.  "Total Lunar Eclipse of 2018 Jul 27," Fred Espenak, EclipseWise.com, Jan. 23, 2018.
"Partial Solar Eclipse of 2018 July 13," Fred Espenak, EclipseWise.com, Jan. 23, 2018.
3.  "Partial Solar Eclipse of 2018 Aug. 11," Fred Espenak, EclipseWise.com, Jan. 23, 2018.
4.  "NASA Eclipse Web Site," Robert M. Candey, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Aug. 27, 2016.
5.  "
Ancient boulder dislodges from Western Wall crashes down near woman at prayer," Marissa Newman, Amanda Borschel, The Times of Israel, July 23, 2018.

Author:  Larry Wood,   Released - July 8, 2018 - Revised July 27, 2018

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