11, 2022 (Day 315): On November 5, 2022 an area of
disturbed weather in the Caribbean north of Puerto Rico formed
the image of a bull On November 7 the image of a huge gate
of an ancient city appeared and the National Weather Service
(NWS) named Subtropical Storm Nicole in the left side of the
image. On November 8 at 10 AM EST (1500 GMT) Nicole was
upgraded to a tropical storm as it split off from the cloud
masses of the gate. It appeared as a dead horse and headed
West-Northwest toward the Bahamas. Along with the image of
the dead horse was the image of a locust, centaur-demon
over the central US. These demons will inflict suffering
on mankind during the Tribulation (Rev 9:7).
Dead Horse
Nicole became a tropical storm
on the day of the Lunar Eclipse
over most of North America, and that day there was talk of
whether Russian President Putin would attend the G20 summit in
Bali, Indonesia. By 10 PM EST, twelve hours after being
named, Tropical Storm Nicole filled with dry air, which impeded
strengthening from its current 54 knots with 986 mb pressure.
As Tropical Storm Nicole headed straight for Great Abaco,
Bahamas, it appeared that history was repeating. It was
following the same path as Category 5 Hurricane Dorian in 2019. Hurricane
Dorian struck Great Abaco after President Trump offered
to host the next G7 Summit at Mar-o-Logo. Satan spoke
through Trump, and Hurricane Dorian was God's answer for
offering to host the evil leaders of Satan's kingdom in Client
Nation USA. Hurricane Dorian stalled over Great Abaco for
two days as it headed to destroy Mar-o-Logo. Great Abaco
was totally devastated and has been rebuilding with sanity for
the past three years. The approaching Tropical Storm
Nicole aroused the fear of God in the hearts of the inhabitants
of Abaco.
Nicole at Abaco
Nicole at Abaco
Tropical Storm Nicole went
strait over Great Abaco and Grand Bahama islands on
November 9 along the same path as Hurricane Dorian.
However, Nicole didn't stall. According to the
reconnaissance report the wind was only 57 knots and the
pressure 987 mb. The storm was full of dry air and
weak. The acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper said that
"Abaco fared well with no significant infrastructure damage or
serious injuries in the aftermath of Nicole."5
There was some flooding from heavy rain but no storm surge
damage. Cooper said, "No loss of life, no serious
injuries, we fared well. God is good."5
crossing Great Bahama Island Nicole headed to Florida on a
West-Northwest path, and the weather service briefly upgraded it
to a hurricane based on flight level winds. The weather
service upgraded Nicole to a hurricane at 7 PM EST (0000 GMT)
with 65 kt/75mph wind, 980 mb; whereas, the reconnaissance
flight at 0042 GMT estimated 52-knot winds. When it made
landfall beginning about 12:36 AM EST (0536 GMT) the eye was 40
nautical miles in diameter, stretching from West Palm Beach to
Ft. Pierce. The strongest winds were on the North side in
the Ft. Pierce and Vero Beach area. However, ground
stations in the area only recorded peak winds of about 30 mph
gusting to 40 mph. Nevertheless, Nicole was a huge storm
with enough wind to knock down tree limbs and disrupt electrical
power. The pounding surf also undermined beach-front
houses and roads along the coast far north into Volusia and
Flagler Counties. Central Florida counties had minimal
damage from wind and flooding. However, life in central
Florida was brought to a stand-still, and electrical power and
communication services were disrupted
After making landfall as a tropical storm, Nicole crossed
Florida diagonally from Jupiter to north of Tampa. Then it
moved slightly offshore into the Gulf briefly and crossed the
Florida Panhandle around the Big Bend. By the time it
reached Georgia, it was a tropical depression with rain but
minimal wind. However, Nicole was not finished
communicating. As its remnants reached New England, the
cloud mass associated with it appeared as a huge city gate that
stretched from Florida and Abaco, Bahamas to Maine.
Thus, the gate of Abaco and Florida became the gate of the
United States.
Gate of United States
and Habakkuk
The Bahamas were discovered by Christopher Columbus, who claimed
them for Spain. However, they were generally
considered a nuisance, due to the shallow water, which was
treacherous to navigate, since charts had not yet been
made. In his first map of the New World, printed in
1500, Juan de la Cosa named the Abaco islands with the
Hebrew name Habacoa for Habakkuk. Habakkuk means
embrace. Habakkuk was the first Hebrew prophet to prophesy
the destruction of Israel by the Chaldeans. After Habakkuk
other prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah adopted and expanded his
prophecy. Until Habakkuk gave his prophecy Israel did not
know its enemy just as the United States today is trying to
figure out who its enemy is.
Habakkuk is considered a minor prophet since his book is only
three chapters long, but there is nothing minor about him.
In the first chapter he perceived the Chaldean army coming to
conquer decadent Israel. This is Z-axis authority and
justice (Hab 1:7). In the second chapter he prophesied
God's destruction of the Chaldeans because they did not live by
faith (Bible Doctrine) (Hab 2:4) but looted other nations.
They will be destroyed in the way they destroyed others (Hab
2:8). This is Y-axis Political Babylon in lieu of the Love
for God. The third chapter is a song, a prayer for
deliverance set to music. Habakkuk was also a member
of the choir and a composer of music (Hab 3:19). The
song of Habakkuk indicates that his musical talent came from an
Elect Angel. The psalm is full of doctrine. This is
X-axis rapport with God.
The Gate of Abaco
and Grand Bahama Islands are the image of a natural gate,
where Great Abaco is the post with hinges and Grand Bahama is
the section that swings to open or close the gate. The
shallow water around Abaco and Grand Bahama signify a gate that
is closed to shipping.
The Bahamas were alternately claimed by Spain and Great
Britain. In a treaty in 1783 Great Britain ceded East
Florida to Spain and received the Bahamas in return. Thus,
the Bahamas became an English colony. On July 10, 1973 the
Bahamas finally became independent. Here the number 1973
is the number for freedom (73) - namely Temporal freedom as
opposed to Spiritual freedom, which is 74.
The gate of Abaco was first a gate in the Bahamas. Then it
was a gate to Florida. The Spanish ships had to sail
through the Bahamas to get to Florida. However, as
revealed in the last images of the remnants of Tropical Storm
Nicole, the gate to Florida was also a gate to the United
States. The King of the Chaldeans was evil. King
Nebuchadnezzar was the enemy of Israel. When the
Chaldeans came, Israel closed the gates of Jerusalem, but the
Chaldeans broke down the gates, entered the city, and
burned it to the ground.
The historical lesson is documented for all to understand.
When Israel bowed down to Baal, the god of the Chaldeans,
God sent the Chaldeans to destroy Israel. The
lesson is still true. Nations who destroy other nations
are evil. They are not friends. The leaders of
nations today are Evil Kings. Satan owns them.
International unions like the G7 and G20 are run by Satan.
When former President Trump proposed to invite the G7 evil kings
to Mar-o-Logo, God sent a powerful Category 5 hurricane to
destroy Mar-o-Logo. However, the storm was stopped at the
gate of Abaco in honor of Habakkuk. Abaco was destroyed,
but Florida was preserved.
Tropical Storm Nicole (meaning victory of the people) was
sent to the gate of Abaco as the G20 leaders of nations were
willing to have the Evil King, Russian President Putin,
attend. After what Putin has done to Ukraine only an evil
person with no integrity would tolerate him. It is even
worse because Putin has lost his identity. He's not
real. He has long since been robbed of his identity by the
devil. Satan is using Putin to do evil. Those who
tolerate Putin or any other evil king are dealing with the
Tropical Storm Nicole was sent as a reminder of God's judgment of
Hurricane Dorian, which was sent for offering to host evil
kings. The leaders of the Bahamas remembered and were
humbled. God used Hurricane Dorian to evangelize the
world. He brought Tropical Storm Nicole along the same path
as a reminder and a warning to those who are in danger from the
evil king, man of lawlessness, antichrist.
The G20 Summit is being held in Bali, Indonesia, which is in the
region of Aquarius like Florida. If the gate of Florida is
open, there can be great evangelism in Florida and in the United
States as illustrated by the gate of Nicole that stretched up the
eastern seaboard. There are gates that control access to
people and nations, and life on the Earth, and the angels control
the gates (Gen 3:24; Ex 12:23; Acts 5:19; 12:10; Rev 21:12).
There are gates of life (Matt 7:14) and death (Job 38:17; Ps 9:13; 107:18; Isa 38:10)
and of Heaven (Gen 28:17; Rev 21:10, 12, 13) and Hell
(Matt 16:18).
Abaco and Habakkuk
Abaco is the Hebrew name Habakkuk. Habakkuk was the prophet
who was the first to recognize the Chaldeans as the enemy who
would destroy Israel. Subjective people do not recognize
their enemy. Babylon, the home of the Chaldeans, was
patterned after Satan, the god of this world. The Chaldeans
worshiped Satan. Satan was he enemy of Israel because Israel
worshiped God, but the people of Israel forgot their God and fell
for Satan's lie. They became apostate, reversionistic, and
demonized. They even began to worship Baal (Jer 2:8, 23;
7:9; 9:14), who was the same god of the Chaldeans. Israel
wanted God's help, but they were hopelessly enslaved to
Baal. They were evil and the enemies of God.
Therefore, God turned them over to the Chaldeans to be destroyed
under the cycles of national cursing. This is all the
background of the name Abaco.
When nations don't know their enemy, they become prey. When
Christians don't know their enemy, they become slaves of
Satan. They don't know God, and they don't know Satan.
They become subjective and accept the status quo. They
believe the devil's lie and don't recognize him in people.
They socialize with liars and murderers and don't realize that
people are controlled by spirits (angels and demons).
The Dead Horse
The image of the dead horse that appeared when Tropical Storm
Nicole split off from the surrounding cloud mass symbolized the
destruction of the weapons of war, such as the Russian tanks,
personnel carriers, and trucks.
chart at the time of the landfall of Hurricane (or Tropical
Storm) Nicole is quite similar to the chart of the recent Lunar
Eclipse two days before on November 8, 2022. The chart
contains a Plow pointing to the God of the Covenants in
Capricornus, for the Antichrist. It also contains a Father
and Sons configuration in Libra near the Bottom of Heaven, for
the Sovereign Lord and the redeemed family of God. A Pole
connects the opposition of the Mediator in Aries and the Father
and Sons planets. The Pole is strong opposition. The
strong opposition is translated into the point of the Plow at
the Antichrist. The Antichrist and other enemies of the
Lord will be destroyed at the Second Advent.
Aquarius with the Redeemer Planet is setting. This
corresponds to the judgment of Florida from Hurricane
Nicole. The Redeemer Planet in Aquarius signifies being
redeemed from the sea. The storm surge and waves of Nicole
caused much beach erosion and undermined buildings along the
coast in Florida, which corresponds to the location of Aquarius.
When Subtropical Storm Nicole was named on November
7, it appeared as a giant city gate. It was named a tropical
storm the next day on November 8, which was the day of the Lunar Eclipse
over North America. That day there was talk about whether
Russian President Putin would attend the G20 Summit in Bali,
Indonesia. As Tropical Storm Nicole headed straight for
Abaco in the Bahamas, the similarity to Hurricane Dorian that
devastated Abaco in 2019 was unmistakable. Category 5
Hurricane Dorian was God's answer to former President Trump, who
offered to hold the next G7 Summit at Mar-o-Logo in Florida.
Hurricane Dorian stalled out over Abaco and devastated the island.
Great Abaco and Grand Bahama islands are the gate in the Bahamas
and the gate to Florida. Christopher Columbus discovered the
Bahamas, and the Spanish explorers sailed through the Bahamas to
Florida. Thus, the gate of Abaco is also the gate of
Florida and even the gate of the United States. Angels
control the gates of nations, and nothing comes to Florida
without permission from the angels -- not storms or
Tropical Storm Nicole came to Florida because our President and
diplomats were going to attend the G20 Summit in Indonesia that
President Putin might also attend, since he is a member of the
G20. This aroused the wrath of God, and He sent
Tropical Storm Nicole as a reminder of how He almost destroyed
Mar-o-Logo and West Palm Beach with Hurricane Dorian, which
devastated Abaco and Grand Bahama islands. This is deeply
disturbing because Putin is murdering like the Chaldeans, and yet
the G20 leaders are willing to entertain the idea of sitting down
to talk to him. The US State Department is currently even
trying to enter into peace talks with him over the Ukraine
War. No decent person would enter into any social
relationship with Putin.
There's more to the story. God and the angels knew all along
that Putin was not going to the G20 Summit. What was so bad
was not just righteous indignation but that the G20 leaders are
evil kings who are Satan's subjects. Satan controls them and
speaks through them just as Satan spoke through Peter (Matt 16:23)
and former President Trump. Satan speaks through
antichrists, and Putin is currently an evil king and antichrist,
even though he is a Christian. Putin has lost his
identity. So, what is so bad is that Satan has taken over
Putin. Putin is full of the devil as well as those who
tolerate him. Tolerating the devil arouses the wrath of God.