Of September 26, 1996

My Perspective

Synopsis for Skeptics

Eclipses are signs in the heavens. The signs can be interpreted by God, man, or the devil. Take your pick. I'll take God's. So, how do I get God's? From the Bible. Based upon all my study of the Bible over the last 27 years. Here's my perspective of what the latest sign of the Lunar Eclipse of September 26, 1996 means. Take it or leave it.

The moon is a symbol of the Church. It is also a symbol of Right Woman (not the goddess of love). A eclipse (darkening) always symbolizes judgment. The Lunar Eclipse occurred on September 26, which is the 270 day of 1996. The day of the year contains the number 27, which refers to a horn (derived from 3 x 3 x 3). A horn is the symbol for power. The Ringed Planet (I do not call it Saturn because I do not honor Satan, who named it Saturn) was near the bottom right of the Moon (approximately 4:45 o'clock from vertical, about 130 degrees from my eyeball). A later photograph from France1 shows the angle to be 158 degrees. The Ringed Planet is a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ as the God of the Covenant. The New Covenant to the Church (Luke 22:20, 1 Cor. 11:25) is undoubtedly the one.

“This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood." (Luke 22:20) (NAS)
The New Covenant of Luke 22:20 refers to the Church, which was started by the Lord Jesus Christ in this verse and sealed with his blood on the cross. The blood symbolized Christ's death on the cross whereby He paid for the sins of the world. Does this mean when we see a bloody moon, it refers to the death of Christ on the Cross? Yep!  Believers are identified with Christ in His death and in His Resurrection (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12).

Now, the Church always receives judgment first before the rest of the nation and the world. The Christian believers are the source of blessing or cursing for the nation by the salt of the earth principle.

For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17, NAS)
So the sign of the Lunar Eclipse is notification that God is going to judge the Church. Unfortunately, when the Church suffers the nation also suffers. The particular suffering that is coming is denoted by the 27 - the horn. This is a powerful form of suffering. References in the Bible include Daniel's beast with horns (Daniel 7:7, 24); the horn of Moab (Jeremiah 48:25); and the beast of Revelation (Revelation 12:3). These horns are Archons, demon generals (or kings), who have power over evil nations. Only mature believers are able to defeat these powerful horn-demons in spiritual warfare.

Secondary Meaning

The relationship between the Moon in eclipse and the Ringed Planet also refers to the Right Man and his Right Woman in marriage. The Moon is the woman; the Ringed Planet is the man; and the rings are the covenant between them - marriage.  Satan attacked the first marriage in the Garden when he convinced the woman to sin.  When she sinned, she died spiritually.  Her soul light went out.  In this state of spiritual death she was like the eclipse of the moon.

History - Did This Type Analysis Work for the Eclipse in 1982?

There was an awesome eclipse of the Moon on July 6, 1982.2 It was especially red - like dried blood. That was day 187, the number in the scripture for a donkey or mule. Now the mule was the pack animal in Israel. So, the donkey or mule was a symbol of their transportation system. So the eclipse of 1982 symbolized the judgment associated with a transportation system.

So? The Challenger arrived at Kennedy Space Center the day of July 5, 1982 (Day 186) for the first time. That night was this awesome eclipse. The Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986 - note the lineup of 86's. The 86 is the persecution of "son of the slave woman" against the "son of the free woman" - the persecution of Ishmael against Isaac (the Arab against the Jew). In the New Covenant, this is the persecution of the legalist against the doctrinal believer. Need I say more?

NASA and the Lunar Eclipse

Well, they did it again. Shannon Lucid, a biochemist, who is one of NASA's greatest ever astronauts, returned from 188 days in space on September 26, the day of the Lunar Eclipse. She was, of course, suffering when she landed after all that time in weightlessness. She was one of the women in suffering symbolized by the reddish-brown moon that night. She left earth on March 22 (meaning cursing) and returned after 188 days (meaning blessing) - cursing turned to blessing.

It appears with the sign of the eclipse that NASA's glory is over. The Shuttle Operations are being turned over to a private contractor - which is supposed to happen October 1, 1996. NASA employees are being encouraged to leave. The President signed a buyout bill Thursday night (the day of the eclipse) to lure NASA employees into retirement.

What else do the numbers show us? Shannon Lucid became an astronaut in 1979, and she just returned on the STS-79 mission. The 79 refers to hardness of the heart (the right lobe of the soul). This is illustrated by the mission patch, which portrays the cranial region. The skull and brain are illustrated. And, of course, the brain has a left and right lobe. The hardness is symbolized by the blue border in the shape of a horseshoe (actually a mule shoe, NASA's Old Gray). Hardness of the heart is one of the stages of divine discipline for those who reject Bible Doctrine.

Hebrews 3:8 Do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me, As in the day of trial in the wilderness (NAS)
In the time of Moses, an entire generation rejected Bible Doctrine and died the sin unto death in the desert because of it. Will our generation continue to reject Bible Doctrine? Will it fail to see the flashing signs in the heavens?

For Those Who Have Never Believed in Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ created the heavens, and He also created you. As a member of the human race, you have a problem, though, if you have never accepted God's gift of Everlasting Life. The gift is available to all who want it. It's free - yours for the asking. The Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross and paid for the sins of the world. When Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross, God the Father poured out the sins of the world upon Him and judged Him for them. The Eclipse represents symbolically the blood of Christ, His death on the cross as a substitute for us, and our identification with Him. It means that since the sins of the world are paid for, there is nothing to prevent us from having Everlasting Life from God - nothing, that is, except our own negative volition. We have a choice. Freedom could be no other way. No one will force you to believe in Christ. It's up to you. If you want Everlasting Life, it's paid for and yours for the asking. The scripture says:
For in this way God loved the world so that He gave His uniquely born Son in order that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life and he who does not believe shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. (John 3:36)
Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved (Act 16:31).
In the privacy of your soul, you can have Everlasting Life simply by believing in Christ. Just tell God the Father that you are believing in Christ, and you will be saved.


1. Alan MacRobert.  "September's Total Eclipse of the Moon,"  Sky Publishing Corporation, P.O. Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02178-9111, September 1996, image m9609b.gif.
2.  Fred Espenak.  NASA, GSFC, image LE82Jul06Total.GIF.

September 1996, Revised January 23, 2000
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Author: Larry Wood

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