Sign of Scorpius
Scorpions and Snakes
Victory Over Snakes and Scorpions
Attack of Scorpius
Sun in Scorpius
Star Gospel Nearby Constellations
“He led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water; He brought water for you out of the flinty rock. (Deuteronomy 8:15)Snakes and scorpions, the symbols of Satan, were the enemies of Israel. "Fiery serpents" is the Hebrew nachash, serpent, and saraph, meaning burning, fiery, or serpent. The two words together mean literally burning snakes, which were so called for their inflammatory bite, filled with heat and poison.
The constellation, Scorpius, is near other snake symbols. It is near the constellation Serpens, the Serpent, and Ophiuchus, the Snake Holder. Since both snakes and scorpions are symbols of Satan, the sign of Scorpius applies to both. Therefore, scripture for snakes as well as scorpions will be examined in the study of Scorpius.
The scorpion is also a symbol of the Centaur demon assault army of Abaddon (Rev 9:3, 5, 10), which, of course, is from Satan.
Now the serpent was more crafty than any animal of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Is it really true that God has said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the Garden?'" (Genesis 3:1)Here the word, "serpent," is the Hebrew vj^n*, (nachash), which is onomatopoeic, for the hissing of a snake. In the Adamic Covenant, the Lord pronounced a curse on the serpent, and it was forced to crawl on its belly (Gen. 3:14). Then the Lord foretold the conflict with the enemy, Satan, and the victory of the cross.
I will put enmity between you and the woman,The "enmity" is between the woman's offspring and Satan's. "Your seed" is the seed of Satan, which is his future followers (Matt. 23:33; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8). "Her seed" refers to Jesus Christ, born of a virgin (Gal 3:16). "He shall crush your head" refers to Jesus Christ defeating Satan. Snakes must be killed by crushing their heads. "And you shall crush his heel" refers to Satan's attack of Jesus Christ in sending him to the Cross. Snakes strike the heel and below the knee. This foretells the future conflict of Jesus Christ and his followers against Satan and his followers.
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall crush your head,
And you shall crush his heel. (Genesis 3:15)
"fiery serpents" in the desert (Num 21:6; Deut 8:15) bit the children of
Israel, the victims could be healed by looking upon a brass serpent on
a pole. The brass serpent (Num 21:6-9), which was raised aloft, was
a type of Jesus Christ (Jn 3:14). This was similar to the "flying
dragon," which symbolized the Messiah (Isa 14:29). However, the "flying
dragon" also symbolized Satan (Isa 30:6), and Satan as Beelzebub, lord
of the flies (2 Ki 18:4).
But I am afraid, lest as the serpent completely deceived Eve by his craftiness, your thoughts should be led astray from noble simplicity and purity toward Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3)Satan has organized a Cosmic System to deceive and distract the believer from the Spiritual life. The whole world lies under his power. He has a vast army of demons to spread his lies. He has attacked every institution of man, including the Church. He has a counterfeit gospel and a counterfeit spirituality, apart from Grace, which most Christians have accepted.
Satan's attacks are very much like the attack of the woman in the Garden. He converts women into the Prostitute of Babylon and men into the Evil King. Then he influences them to do his bidding. He steals Bible Doctrine from the hearts of men (Matt 13:19). And he inspires Evil Kings to try to conquer the world and usher in a false millennium without Israel and the Church and without fulfilling the unconditional covenants to Israel. He seeks to destroy the Divine Institution of Marriage and Israel.
Satan will fall in the Tribulation, which will lead to his doom at the Second Advent (Rev 12:9, 14). He will be incarcerated for a thousand years during the Millennium, so there can be peace on Earth (Rev 20:2-3).
Released February 13, 2010 - Revised May 18, 2012
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