Sign of
Spiritual Warfare
of Satan
Warfare of the Believer
Angelic Warfare
in Human Behavior
Sun in Sagittarius
Star Gospel
Nearby Constellations
Sign of Sagittarius 

Sagittarius, the Archer, portrays a Centaur and represents
a man on a horse with a bow. It symbolizes a raiding band, a mounted
cavalry of archers of an invading army, which is mobile, agile, and hostile.
It embodies war and the military paradigm. It portrays the victory
of the Cross when the Lord led Satan and his demons in a triumphal procession
(Eph 4:8; Col 2:15). And it symbolizes the believer advancing against
the unseen enemy in Spiritual Warfare (Rom 8:37; 2 Cor 2:14; Heb 6:1; 10:39).
It includes physical, spiritual, and angelic warfare. And it is seen
in the ravenous conflicts in the animal kingdom. Sagittarius is symbolized
by the Tribe of Gad.
Centaur demons from the antediluvian civilization will
come from the bottomless pit (Tartarus) in a demon assault army
to attack people in the Tribulation (Rev 9:7-11).
Sagittarius symbolizes the armies of men which engage in
warfare. The first great warrior was Nimrod, the famous hunter and
founder of Babel (Gen 10:8-12). Ishmael was a wild ass of a man who
fought against everyone and everyone fought against him (Gen 16:11-12).
Esau was a hunter with an army (Gen 25:27; 32:6). Gad symbolized
the raiding band of Sagittarius (Gen 49:19; Deut 33:20-21; Josh 4:12;1
Chron 12:8, 14).
"Gad, a raiding band shall
raid him,
But he shall raid at their
heel. (Genesis 49:19)
Samson was a famous warrior, although he didn't use a bow
and ride a horse (Judg 15:3-5; 15:15; 16:29-30). David led the armies
that defeated the enemies of Israel (1 Sam 17:48-49; 2 Sam 22:1; 1 Chron
12:21-22; 14:8-17; 18:1-13). Sagittarius symbolizes the armies of
the world empires: Babylon, Assyria, Medo-Persia, Graeco-Macedonian
Empire of Alexander the Great, Roman Empire, and Revived Roman Empire (Dan.
2:36-43). And Sagittarius symbolizes the Dictator of the Revived
Roman Empire, the Antichrist (Rev 6:2).
Spiritual Warfare
of Satan
Satan and his demon armies attack Israel
and believers as extensions of the Angelic Conflict. Satan's objective
is to win the Appeal Trial. Consequently, he is the enemy of believers
because they are on God's side. Satan's methods include sin, lies,
and murder (1 Jn 3:8; Jn 8:44). He is the author of sin (1 Jn 3:8).
He deceived the woman in the Garden (Gen 3:13). He inspired Cain
to murder Abel (Gen 4:8).
Satan is a master of deceit, craft,
and counterfeit. "The serpent was more crafty than any animal of
the field" (Gen. 3:1). Satan uses religion to counterfeit the Plan
of God and seeks to be worshiped through idolatry (2 Thess 2:3-4).
He disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14).
Satan inspires rebellion and conspiracies
(Jude 11). He led a third of the angels to rebel against God (Rev
12:4) and will lead the Gog revolution against God at the end of the Millennium
(Rev 20:7-8). He is the enemy of God in Operation Footstool; thus,
he inspires the Evil King and the enemy raiding bands symbolized by Sagittarius
(Rev 16:14). He inspires the Prostitute of Babylon to attack Marriage
Culture. He inspired the Evil King Nimrod to rebel against God.
And he inspired the conspiracy that sent Jesus Christ to the Cross.
Warfare of the Believer
The believer in the Church Age is a Christian soldier, who
engages in spiritual warfare as a member of the Army of the Lord (1 Cor
9:7; Phil 2:25; 2 Tim 2:3-4; Philemon 2). The Christian soldiers
of the Church will return with the Lord at the Second Advent as members
of His Army (Rev 19:14, 19). The believer fights in spiritual warfare
through faith in obedience to the Lord's authority (1 Tim 1:18; 6:12; 2
Tim 4:7). He fights as a member of a combat team under the authority
of God with the support of God and His angels (Ex 14:13, 25; Deut 1:30;
3:22; 20:4; Josh 5:14-15; 23:3; 2 Chron 20:29; Lk 10:19). He does
not fight alone. He does not choose his battlefield.
The believer's fight in spiritual warfare is defensive
- not offensive (Eph 6:11, 13). God sends the enemy to attack the
believer (Job 1:8; 2:3). The believer under the protective power
of God has the power to handle the attacks of Satan and his demons (Josh
1:9; Rom 8:31; 1 Jn 2:13; 4:4). The Satanic attack must be faced
through Grace with the use of the divine operating assets (2 Cor 10:4;
12:9; Rom 12:19-21), which include:
Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18)
Draw near to God (Jas 4:7-8; 1 Pet 5:5-7)
Grace Orientation (2 Cor 12:9; Heb 4:16; 12:15)
Put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:11-18)
Be alert (1 Pet 5:8)
Resist the devil (Jas 4:7; 1 Pet 5:9) - use of volition;
do not be afraid or distracted (Isa 41:10).
Divine Viewpoint - understand the issues on the Stage of
Life in relation to God's Sovereignty (Rom 8:31).
Enlightenment - The demon exposed to the Light will be powerless
and melt away (Rom 13:12; Eph 5:11, 13).
Angelic Warfare
Satan and his demons rebelled against
God. They rejected the divine solution, and God sentenced them to
the Lake of Fire (Matt 25:41). Satan appealed, and the appeal trial
is now taking place on Earth. There is conflict between the Elect
Angels and Satan and his demons (Rev 12:7). The Elect Angels assist
in implementation of the Plan of God for human history (Heb 1:14).
The Elect Angels are called an army
(Luk 2:13; Rev 19:14). The Army of Elect Angels is led by the Archangel
Michael (Jude 9). One of Satan's demons prevented an Elect Angel
from answering Daniel's prayer until Michael intervened (Dan 10:13, 20).
A band of Satan's demons called Legion possessed the Gerasene demoniac
(Mk 5:9; Luk 8:30). Jesus could call for 12 legions of Elect Angels
for support (Mt 26:53).
in Human Behavior
The characteristics of Sagittarius
may be recognized in human behavior. The characteristics include
those who attack the tasks of life as if they were the enemy and run around
as if on a Frantic Search for Happiness. Peter's impulsive behavior
was characteristic of Sagittarius. He used a sword to defend Jesus
Christ (Mt 26:51; Mk 14:47; Luk 22:50; Jn 18:10).
Conspiracies are also characteristic
of Sagittarius (2 Sa 15:12; 2 Ki 15:30; 17:4; Psa 62; 64, 64:2; Jer 1:18-19;
11:9, 19; 15:20-21; 18:18; 20:2; Ezek 22:25; Hos 6:9; Acts 23:12).
Prophets were falsely accused of conspiracy (Isa 8:12; Jer. 36:26; Uriah,
Jer 26:20-23; Amos 7:10). Jeremiah was imprisoned due to a conspiracy
(Jer 32:2, 8; 33:1; 37:15, 21; 38:28; 39:14). And Daniel was thrown
into the Lion's den (Dan 6:4-18).
In the Bible, Syria was known for
its conspiracies. The king of Syria with 32 kings attacked Samaria
(1 Ki. 20:1, 16). Later, the king of Syria commanded the 32 captains
of his chariots when Ahab formed an alliance with Jehoshaphat (Judah) to
attack the king of Syria. Ahab died in battle (1 Ki. 22:31).
The number, 32, stands for a conspiracy.
Sun in Sagittarius
The Sun in Sagittarius symbolizes an Angelic army (Lk 2:9,
13) or Christians with the armor of Light (Rom 13:12).
Star Gospel
Nearby Constellations
Constellations around Sagittarius contribute to a fuller
meaning in the Star Gospel.1 The nearby constellations
Lyra - The Lyre - Praise for the Lord (the Psalms) (Ex 15:1-21;
Psa. 30:4; 89:5; 135:1; Rev 11:17)
Ara - The Altar - Christ, the sacrifice for sins - Savior
(Ex 27:1; Psa 43:4; Heb. 9:13-14; 13:10; Eph. 5:2). The Altar appears
upside down with the fire pointing toward Hades and symbolizing fiery judgment
in Hades (Psa 21:9; Mat 5:22; Mk 9:43; Heb 10:26-27) and the judgment of
the Fifth Cycle of Discipline (Isa 9:19; 10:17; 26:11; 66:15, 24)
Draco - The Dragon (Job 26:13, see Pole
Signs) - Satan, the serpent, deceiver, who conspired to crucify Christ
(Rev. 12:9, 20:2).
Sagittarius can symbolize, depending upon the planet in the
sign, an army, commanders with armies, a bloodbath, a bloody city, a conspiracy,
or a criminal gang. It can symbolize a deliverer or conquering army.
It can symbolize financing or quartering an army. Or it can symbolize
the enemy attack on the believer or spiritual warfare.
1. "The
Star Gospel," Larry Wood, January 16, 2008.
Released February 13, 2010 - Revised Sept. 30, 2011
Author: Larry Wood