Sign of
Spoils of Victory
of the Cosmic System
Spoils of Victory
Sun in Cancer
Star Gospel
Nearby Constellations
Sign of Cancer 

Cancer, the Crab, symbolizes (1) the spoils of victory and
(2) security. The spoils of victory may be both temporal (Gen 49:27;
Deut 3:7; 20:14; Isa 10:6) and Spiritual (Isa 53:12; Eph 4:8), and security
may be both temporal (Ex 23:20; Deut 32:10) and eternal (Jn 10:28-29; Rom
8:38-39). Every believer receives Eternal Security at Salvation.
Cancer is symbolized by the Tribe of Benjamin, who took the spoils of victory.
The crab has large claws for grasping and holding (security)
as well as stripping food (taking spoils), and feasting, or dining.
The military takes spoils and guards them (security). Jesus Christ
won the victory on the Cross and has spoils to distribute to believers.
And He is seated at the right hand of the Throne of God waiting for his
enemies to be made a footstool for His feet.
Security is protection for people and property.
It includes safety. Temporal security requires guards, walls, barriers,
gates, and locks. Divine security is God's supreme power through
which He protects His Creation from all enemies in order to fulfill His
Sovereign purpose.
Temporal Spoils of
To the victor belongs the spoils.
Military victory entitles the winner to take the spoils. The spoils
of the military are also called plunder or booty (Num 31:26-27, 32, 53;
Deut 3:7; 13:16; 20:14; Isa 8:1; 10:6; Jer 15:13; 17:3; 38:2; 49:32; Dan
11:24). Spoils are also taken in sports (1 Cor 9:24). Spoils
from athletic contests might be prizes, trophies, wreaths, or commendations.
Many other contests offer prizes or commendations for the winner.
of the Cosmic System
Satan rules the world through his Cosmic
System. Spoils are also available in the Cosmic System. They
Spoils for the reversionist (Prov
Love of the world (2 Ti 4:10;
1 Jn 2:15-16)
Wine (Eph 5:18; 1 Tim 3:3, 8;
Tit 1:7; 2:3)
Love of money (1 Ti 6:10; Heb
13:5; 1 Pet 5:2)
Overpowering of disaster (Gen
19:19), sin (Num 32:23), demon possession (Mk 9:18), darkness (Jn 1:5;
12:35), thief in daylight (1 Thess 5:4)
Sheol (Prov 5:5; 9:17-18; Isa
14:15), Hades (Rev 1:18; 20:13-14), sin unto death (1 Jn 5:16).
Spoils of Victory
Spiritual spoils are available to the
Church Age believer because of Christ's victory on the Cross. After
victory the conquered king, stripped of power and possessions, was brought
to the footstool of the victor and given a life or death sentence.
After winning the victory of the Cross, the Lord Jesus Christ sat down
on his Throne, and Satan and his demons were brought before His footstool
(Heb 1:13; 10:13). That means that the spoils of the Cosmic System
are available for Christ to give to His army of Church Age believers (Isa
53:12; Eph 4:8; Phil 3:14). The spoils include blessings in Time
and Eternity.
Blessings in Time include:
New Spiritual Life (Rom 8:2), Royal Family (1 Pet 2:9), Child of God (Jn
1:12), Love of Christ (Eph 3:19), Grace Support System (Col 1:10-12; 1
Pet 1:5; 1 Jn 2:6), Promotion (1 Pet 5:6), Power (2 Tim 1:7), Spiritual
Maturity (Winner) (Eph 4:13; Phil 3:15; Heb 6:1), Spiritual Rapport (Rom
15:29; Phil 3:12-14; 1 Pet 1:8), Hidden Manna2 (Bible Doctrine)
(Rev 2:17); Spiritual heritage for children; Fruit/production of the Spirit
(Gal 5:22).
Blessings in Eternity include:
Eternal Life (Jn 3:16); Righteousness (Rom 9:30); Inheritance (1 Pet 1:4);
Royal Family (Rev 22:5); Crowns of Life (Jas 1:12; Rev 2:10), Righteousness
(2 Ti 4:8), Glory (1 Pet 5:4); Access to Garden and Eating of Tree of Life
(Rev 2:7); White Pebble (vote of confidence) (Rev 2:17), Title of Knighthood
(Rev 2:17); Ruling with Christ in Millennium (Rev 2:26); Morning Star (Rev
2:28); Robe of Righteousness (Whites) (Rev 3:5; 19:8) and presentation
at Court in Heaven (Rev 3:5); Pillar in God's Temple (for historical impact)
(Rev 3:12); Royal Title of Heraldry2 (Rev 3:12).
God's provisions of security include:
National - rest from enemies (Deut
12:10; Josh 11:23; 1 Sam 12:11; 1 Ki 4:25; Zech 14:11); walls, gates (Isa
5:5; 26:1; 60:18); "wall of fire" (Zech 2:5); failure (Mic 7:4)
Safety - Jacob (Gen 28:21, 33:18);
Jerusalem (Destruction, Jer 6:1), (Safety, Jer 32:37); from hail (Ex 9:19)
Weather - protection from heat,
storm, and rain (Isa 4:6); flood Noah (Gen 6:13-; Gen 7:6-7, 10; 8:13;
1 Pet 3:20), believer (Psa 32:6; 69:2, 15), house (Luk 6:47-49)
Mankind - Job 24:23; the needy
(Isa 14:30)
Believer - Job (Job 1:10; 5:23;
21:7, 9; 29:2-6); prisoner (Psa 119:117), bail (Job 17:3; Psa 119:122;
Isa 38:14); Angelic protection (Ps 91:11, Dan 6:22; Heb 1:14); Divine protection
(Psa 4:8; 37:17, 24-25, 34, 39-40; 34:7; 78:53; 91:1-16; Prov 2:7-8); Divine
Dynasphere (Jn 15:5; 1 Cor 13:13; Eph 1:19; 3:7, 16, 20; Col 1:11, 29;
2 Ti 1:7; 1 Pet 1:5)
Husband - protector/provider
(Ru 3:1)
Home - Job 18:14; Prov 3:29
Criminals - violate security
(Job 24:14)
Eternal security (Psa 139:10;
Jn 10:28; Rom 8:38-39; 2 Ti 4:18; 1 Pet 3:20).
Cancer can symbolize feasting, or dining,
(Ge 43:34; Lk 7:36; Rv 3:20) and bounty, as given to Benjamin (Gen 45:22).
Sun in Cancer
The Sun in Cancer symbolizes Christ holding the seven stars
in his Hand (Rev 1:16). The seven stars were the seven known planets
of the day, which included the Sun, Moon, Savior, Morning Star, Red Planet,
Almighty God, and God of the Covenants. The seven stars symbolized
the pastors of the seven
churches of revelation. So, the Sun in Cancer can also symbolize
security for pastors (Isa 54:17; 2 Pet 2:5) as well as the Lord as keeper
or guard (Psa 91:4-6; 121:5-8).
The Sun in Cancer can also symbolize skilled labor (Ex
28:6; 31:1-6; 1 Chron 28:11-21; 29:5). It can symbolize the assembly
line worker; artist, entertainer, architect, or craftsman.
Star Gospel
Nearby Constellations
Constellations around Cancer contribute to a fuller meaning
in the Star Gospel.1 The nearby constellations include:
Big Bier (Job 9:9; 38:32) (see Pole
Signs) - Adam - "In Adam all die" (Gen 2:17; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 15:22a).
Little Bier (see Pole
Signs) - Last Adam - "By agency of Christ shall all be made alive"
(Rom 5:15-19; 1 Cor 15:22b, 45; Job 26:13).
Argo - The Ship - Salvation of the human race (Noah)
(Gen 6:13-14; 7:6-7, 10; 8:13; Luk 17:26-27; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet 2:5)
Argo (Homer) is Greek ajrgov"
(argos) = shining, bright, glistening, or swift because all swift
motion causes a kind of glancing or flickering light.
Cancer can symbolize spoils and security in both temporal
and spiritual realms. It can symbolize a restorer or repairman.
It can symbolize security and safety or a breach of the same. It
can symbolize scourging. It can symbolize spoils and reward as well
as feasting and bounty. And it can symbolize a fortress or stronghold
as well as a bank or treasury.
1. "The
Star Gospel," Larry Wood, January 16, 2008.
2. "The
Seven Churches of Revelation," Mystery Babylon the Great,
Larry Wood, April 15, 2009.
Released February 13, 2010 - Revised Sept. 30, 2011
Author: Larry Wood