Financial Market Fall
House Bailout Vote Chart
Bailout Vote Chart Planets
However, there was a silver lining. It wasn't even the worst percentage fall for the Dow in US history. And the fall wasn't tied to the US House of Representatives vote to reject the $700 billion bailout bill. The markets were falling all over the world before the vote. The US bailout bill was more socialism from the US government, which has worked hard for the past 40 years to legislate socialism into the US banking system. Today's defeat of the bill was a victory for freedom. However, the worldwide financial judgment was obviously the Judgment of God, who rules with a rod of iron (Psa 2:9; Rev 2:27).
Today was the New Moon. The Sun and Moon in Virgo correspond to the Bridegroom and Bride with her retinue and Right Man - Right Woman. This is a sign of Marriage Culture. The financial trouble was attributed to bad loans in home mortgages. There were two planets in Midheaven, the sign of high public visibility. The Savior Planet in Virgo symbolized the mother and child, and the Red Planet in Libra symbolized cataclysmic judgment, like the Lord ruling with a rod of iron. This indicates that the financial fall came from divine judgment.
The Ascendant sign signifies how the events would be perceived by others. The Ascendant was Sagittarius, the Archer and symbol of the raiding band and war. In Sagittarius, the Almighty God Planet symbolizes a conquering army, and the Last Adam symbolizes an enemy attack. The enemy today was Satan, who influenced the love of money in man and sponsored the Prostitute of Babylon to rule over the world economy. Today's financial judgment was judgment for the Prostitute of Babylon.
The pairs of planets in the chart symbolize a flood. The Noahic Flood was the worst judgment in human history. The Dow fall of 777 points symbolizes the Flood of Noah as predicted by Lamech, who lived 777 years (Gen 5:31). And the close at 10,365. symbolizes Enoch who lived 365 years and disappeared.
The US House of Representatives bailout bill was defeated 205 - 228, where 205 is for a giant (5) and 228 is for the curse of a cosmic stronghold (28). The bill was a gross violation of freedom. It was socialism. However, behind the world financial mess was God's Judgment. The Dow fell 777 points to symbolize going off on a tangent and the Noahic Flood as predicted by Lamech, who lived 777 years. The Flood was the worst judgment in human history. The next greatest world judgment will be the Second Advent. The Dow closed at 10,365, where 365, the number of days in a year, means going down never to return. Enoch lived 365 years and disappeared into Heaven. He never returned.
Christians are supposed to be above the love of money. Money is the coin of the realm in the devil's world. Bible Doctrine is the important issue in the Spiritual Life. Today, the Lord delivered cataclysmic judgment with a rod of iron to the world financial markets. His Judgments are right and just. And this is a preview of coming attractions for the approaching doomsday of next year. The carnal believer never gets over the love of money. Those who love money will be tied to evil and pierced with God's Judgment (1 Tim 6:10).
In all of this, the silver lining is that there was not a financial meltdown. It was not doomsday. The financial markets dropped in value, but the end did not come. It was not the Great Depression. However, the Judgment was a severe warning of approaching doomsday.
Today was September 29, 2008, Day 273. The ninth month is for the Plagues of Egypt (end of the world); 29 is for victory over Edom; 273 is for freedom (73); and 2008 is for the New Birth and a new paradigm. Regulation of today's financial institutions according to the financial experts will require a new paradigm in keeping with the meaning of the year 2008. A world economic paradigm shift is painful, but it has to occur in 2008.
Released February 1, 2010 - Revised March 22, 2010
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